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PJSIP, избитый NAT и MCN

Новичком считается только что прочитавший «Астериск - будущее телефонии»
и пытающийся сделать большее

Модераторы: april22, Zavr2008

Петров Р
Сообщения: 12
Зарегистрирован: 07 фев 2025, 20:31

PJSIP, избитый NAT и MCN

Сообщение Петров Р »

Добрый день, Товарищи!

Понимаю, что вопрос с этими долбаными НАТами уже миллиарды раз разжёван, пережёван и съеден, но всё же.
Более того, я не уверен, что тут дело в нате, хотя все признаки на лицо.

Окружение и версии

Код: Выделить всё

ОС: FreeBSD 14.2 amd64, Asterisk 22.1.1
Провайдер MCN, SIP линия.

Итого от провайдера информация:
логин, пароль, сервер, кодеки G.711a и G.729
Метод передачи DTMF: RFC 2833
Как настроена сеть

Код: Выделить всё

Стоит микрот с белым адресом, извне порт =>(DST-NAT) (для подключения ТА)
За микротом стоит сервер с Asterisk'ом IP:, висит астериск на порту 5060
Трубка (ТА) с которой я проверяю - LinPhone, из интернета настроена на сервер, UDP, login: 101, pass: password
Конфиги астериска

cat asterisk.conf | grep -v ";"

Код: Выделить всё

astcachedir     => /var/cache/asterisk
astetcdir       => /usr/local/etc/asterisk
astmoddir       => /usr/local/lib/asterisk/modules
astvarlibdir    => /usr/local/share/asterisk
astdbdir        => /var/db/asterisk
astkeydir       => /usr/local/share/asterisk
astdatadir      => /usr/local/share/asterisk
astagidir       => /usr/local/share/asterisk/agi-bin
astspooldir     => /var/spool/asterisk
astrundir       => /var/run/asterisk
astlogdir       => /var/log/asterisk
astsbindir      => /usr/local/sbin

verbose         = 9
debug           = 9
cat pjsip.conf | grep -v ";"

Код: Выделить всё

user_agent = SITE.RU - VoIP System
default_fromuser = SITE.RU - VoIP System
default_realm = SITE.RU - VoIP System

type        = transport
protocol    = udp
bind        =
local_net   =
external_media_address      =
external_signaling_address  =

type            = registration
transport       = transport-udp
outbound_auth   = MCN_81111111111_auth
server_uri      =
client_uri      =
retry_interval  = 60
expiration      = 120
contact_user    = 81111111111

type            = auth
auth_type       = userpass
password        = xxx
username        = 123456

type            = aor
contact         =
max_contacts    = 2

type            = endpoint
transport       = transport-udp
context         = mcn-81111111111-in
disallow        = all
allow           = alaw
allow           = ulaw
allow           = g729
outbound_auth   = MCN_81111111111_auth
aors            = MCN_81111111111_aor
from_user       = 123456
from_domain     =
direct_media    = no
rtp_symmetric   = yes
force_rport     = yes

type        = identify
endpoint    = MCN_81111111111_endpoint
match       =
cat pjsip_wizard.conf | grep -v ";"

Код: Выделить всё

type                    = wizard
accepts_auth            = yes
accepts_registrations   = yes
endpoint/disallow       = all
endpoint/allow          = alaw,ulaw
aor/max_contacts        = 2
endpoint/rewrite_contact= yes
endpoint/transport      = transport-udp
endpoint/context        = mcn-out

inbound_auth/username   = 101
inbound_auth/password   = aaabbbccc
NAME                    = My TEST 1
direct_media            = no
force_rport             = yes
rtp_symmetric           = yes

inbound_auth/username   = 102
inbound_auth/password   = aaabbbccc
NAME                    = My TEST 2
direct_media            = no
force_rport             = yes
rtp_symmetric           = yes
rewrite_contact         = yes
cat extensions.conf | grep -v ";"

Код: Выделить всё



exten => _X!,1,HangUp()

exten   => _X.,1,NoOp(${EXTEN})
exten   => _X.,n,NoOp(${CALLERID(num)})
exten   => _X.,n,NoOp(XXX)
exten   => 71111111111,n,Dial(PJSIP/101)
exten   => 71111111111,n,Hangup()

exten => _XXX,1,Dial(PJSIP/${EXTEN})

exten => _XXX.,1,SET(CALLERID(all)=81111111111)
exten => _XXX.,n,MixMonitor(/var/lib/asterisk/call_${CALLID}.wav)
exten => _XXX.,n,Dial(PJSIP/${EXTEN}@MCN_81111111111_endpoint)
exten => _XXX.,n,HangUp()
cat modules.conf | grep -v ";"

Код: Выделить всё

autoload    = yes

require     =

noload        =
noload        =
load        =

noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =

noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =

noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =

noload      =
noload      =
noload      =

noload      =

noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
load      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
load      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =
noload      =

noload      =
load      =
noload      =
Логи Астериска - не вмещаются тут, криминала 0, вот конец
tail -n 10000 /var/log/asterisk/debug.log | grep "21:27"

Код: Выделить всё

[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] VERBOSE[102016] pbx_functions.c: Registered custom function 'FRAME_TRACE'
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] VERBOSE[102016] loader.c: => (Frame Trace for internal ast_frame debugging.)
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] DEBUG[102016] loader.c: START:                           [128] 0
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] VERBOSE[102016] loader.c: Loading
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] VERBOSE[102016] manager.c: Manager registered action PlayDTMF
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] VERBOSE[102016] manager.c: Manager registered action SendFlash
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] VERBOSE[102016] pbx_app.c: Registered application 'SendDTMF'
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] VERBOSE[102016] loader.c: => (Send DTMF digits Application)
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] DEBUG[102016] loader.c: START:                               [128] 0
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] VERBOSE[102016] loader.c: Loading
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] DEBUG[102016] res_pjsip.c: Register endpoint identifier anonymous(0x8b3ac6ac0)
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] VERBOSE[102016] loader.c: => (PJSIP Anonymous endpoint identifier)
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] DEBUG[102016] loader.c: START:    [128] 0
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] VERBOSE[102016] loader.c: Loading
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] VERBOSE[102016] pbx_functions.c: Registered custom function 'PJSIP_AOR'
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] VERBOSE[102016] loader.c: => (Get information about a PJSIP AOR)
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] DEBUG[102016] loader.c: START:                             [128] 0
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] VERBOSE[102016] loader.c: Loading
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] VERBOSE[102016] pbx_functions.c: Registered custom function 'PJSIP_CONTACT'
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] VERBOSE[102016] loader.c: => (Get information about a PJSIP contact)
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] DEBUG[102016] loader.c: START:                         [128] 0
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] VERBOSE[102016] loader.c: Loading
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] VERBOSE[102016] manager.c: Manager registered action PresenceStateList
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] VERBOSE[102016] loader.c: => (Manager Presence State Topic Forwarder)
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] DEBUG[102016] loader.c: START:                  [150] 0
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] VERBOSE[102016] loader.c: Loading
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] VERBOSE[102016] manager.c: Manager registered action DeviceStateList
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] VERBOSE[102016] loader.c: => (Manager Device State Topic Forwarder)
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] DEBUG[102016] loader.c: START:                    [150] 0
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] DEBUG[102016] loader.c: Loader time without AST_XML_DOCS: 0.190127
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] WARNING[102323] pbx_config.c: users.conf is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Asterisk
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] VERBOSE[102016] asterisk.c: Asterisk Ready.
[2025-02-07 21:27:27.8q] DEBUG[102345] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to '' with client ''
[2025-02-07 21:27:27.8q] DEBUG[102345] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: Performing SIP DNS resolution of target ''
[2025-02-07 21:27:27.8q] DEBUG[102345] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: Transport type for target '' is 'UDP transport'
[2025-02-07 21:27:27.8q] DEBUG[102345] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x3a9d8b66b018] Created resolution tracking for target ''
[2025-02-07 21:27:27.8q] DEBUG[102345] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x3a9d8b66b018] Added target '' with record type '35', transport 'UDP transport', and port '5060'
[2025-02-07 21:27:27.8q] DEBUG[102345] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x3a9d8b66b018] Added target '' with record type '33', transport 'UDP transport', and port '5123456060'
[2025-02-07 21:27:27.8q] DEBUG[102345] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x3a9d8b66b018] Added target '' with record type '1', transport 'UDP transport', and port '5060'
[2025-02-07 21:27:27.8q] DEBUG[102345] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x3a9d8b66b018] Starting initial resolution using parallel queries for target ''
[2025-02-07 21:27:27.8q] DEBUG[102333] dns.c: DNS search failed for
[2025-02-07 21:27:27.8q] DEBUG[102333] dns_system_resolver.c: DNS search failed for query: ''
[2025-02-07 21:27:27.8q] DEBUG[102333] dns.c: DNS search failed for
[2025-02-07 21:27:27.8q] DEBUG[102333] dns_system_resolver.c: DNS search failed for query: ''
[2025-02-07 21:27:27.8q] DEBUG[102333] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x3a9d8b66b018] All parallel queries completed
[2025-02-07 21:27:27.8q] DEBUG[102333] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x3a9d8b66b018] A record received on target ''
[2025-02-07 21:27:27.8q] DEBUG[102333] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x3a9d8b66b018] Resolution completed - 1 viable targets
[2025-02-07 21:27:27.8q] DEBUG[102345] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x3a9d8b66b018] Address '0' is with transport 'UDP transport'
[2025-02-07 21:27:27.8q] DEBUG[102345] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x3a9d8b66b018] Invoking user callback with '1' addresses
[2025-02-07 21:27:27.8q] DEBUG[102345] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_filter.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to (this may be re-written again later)
[2025-02-07 21:27:27.8q] DEBUG[102345] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:27:27.8q] DEBUG[102345] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:27:27.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: No dialog serializer for Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=3156 (rdata0x3a9d8b206468).  Using request transaction as basis.
[2025-02-07 21:27:27.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found transaction tsx0x3a9d8b6660a8 for Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=3156 (rdata0x3a9d8b206468).
[2025-02-07 21:27:27.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/outreg/MCN_ 81111111111-00000052 on transaction tsx0x3a9d8b6660a8
[2025-02-07 21:27:27.8q] DEBUG[102345] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK)
[2025-02-07 21:27:27.8q] DEBUG[102345] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server '' for client ''
[2025-02-07 21:27:27.8q] DEBUG[102345] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to '' with client '' successful
[2025-02-07 21:27:27.8q] DEBUG[102345] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server '' from client '' in 159 seconds
/var/log/asterisk/messages.log | grep "21:27"

Код: Выделить всё

[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] Asterisk 22.1.1 built by root @ on a amd64 running FreeBSD on 2025-02-01 19:41:36 UTC
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] NOTICE[102016] loader.c: 260 modules will be loaded.
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] NOTICE[102016] cdr.c: CDR logging disabled.
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] NOTICE[102016] indications.c: Default country for indication tones: ru
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] NOTICE[102016] indications.c: Setting default indication country to 'ru'
[2025-02-07 21:27:18.8q] WARNING[102323] pbx_config.c: users.conf is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Asterisk
Петров Р
Сообщения: 12
Зарегистрирован: 07 фев 2025, 20:31

Re: PJSIP, избитый NAT и MCN

Сообщение Петров Р »

И теперь собственно сама проблема:
При звонке с ТА (101) куда угодно, никто никого не слышит, но вызов приходит и на другом конце отвечают. В обеих сторонах при этом тишина. Я включил MixMonitor в extensions, чтобы прослушать запись, голос от кого-то хоть приходит - нет, тишина. Запись пустая.

Вот лог во время совершения звонка:
Старался оформить, как мог, если что-то надо - говорите, выложу. Помогите разобраться, пожалуйста!


Код: Выделить всё

[2025-02-07 21:58:47.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Could not find matching transaction for Request msg INVITE/cseq=20 (rdata0x3a9d8b206028)
[2025-02-07 21:58:47.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Calculated serializer pjsip/distributor-00000026 to use for Request msg INVITE/cseq=20 (rdata0x3a9d8b206028)
[2025-02-07 21:58:47.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:58:47.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:58:47.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: Source address does not match identify 'MCN_81111111111_ident'
[2025-02-07 21:58:47.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Attempting identify by From username '101' domain ''
[2025-02-07 21:58:47.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Identified by From username '101' domain ''
[2025-02-07 21:58:47.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Using default realm 'asterisk' on incoming auth '101-iauth'.
[2025-02-07 21:58:47.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Realm: asterisk  Username: 101  Result: NOAUTH
[2025-02-07 21:58:47.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:58:47.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:58:47.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:58:47.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:58:47.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:58:47.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Could not find matching transaction for Request msg ACK/cseq=20 (rdata0x3a9d8b2066e8)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Calculated serializer pjsip/distributor-00000026 to use for Request msg ACK/cseq=20 (rdata0x3a9d8b2066e8)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: Source address does not match identify 'MCN_81111111111_ident'
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Attempting identify by From username '101' domain ''
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Identified by From username '101' domain ''
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Could not find matching transaction for Request msg INVITE/cseq=21 (rdata0x3a9d8b206f28)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Calculated serializer pjsip/distributor-00000026 to use for Request msg INVITE/cseq=21 (rdata0x3a9d8b206f28)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: Source address does not match identify 'MCN_81111111111_ident'
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Attempting identify by From username '101' domain ''
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Identified by From username '101' domain ''
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Using default realm 'asterisk' on incoming auth '101-iauth'.
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1738954727/5f06d74f1e58c85c41b9cb106f1657f1. Actual nonce is 1738954727/5f06d74f1e58c85c41b9cb106f1657f1
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Realm: asterisk  Username: 101  Result: SUCCESS
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  (null session) Request: INVITE
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  Request:
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Calculated serializer pjsip/distributor-00000026 to use for Request msg INVITE/cseq=21 (rdata0x3a9d8b250e68)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  101
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  Direct media no glare mitigation
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  101
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Call (UDP: to extension '84951234567' sending 100 Trying
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Method is INVITE, Response is 100 Trying
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session/pjsip_session_reason_header.c:  101: Response Code: 100
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session/pjsip_session_reason_header.c:  101: RC 100 not eligible for Reason header
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  101
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  101 Event: TSX_STATE  Inv State: INCOMING
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '101()'
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x3a9d8b6668a8)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: There is no transaction involved in this state change
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is INCOMING
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: 101: Source of transaction state change is TX_MSG
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  101 TSX State: Proceeding  Inv State: INCOMING
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_transaction *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '101()'
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x3a9d8b6668a8)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAS INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x3a9d8b6668a8
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Proceeding
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TX_MSG
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is INCOMING
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  Nothing delayed
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  101 TSX State: Proceeding  Inv State: INCOMING
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  Topology: Pending: (null topology)  Active: (null topology)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Media count: 1
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] stream.c:  Topology Create
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] stream.c:  Created: 0x3a9d8ba0b798
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Processing stream 0
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Using audio-0 for new stream name
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Using new stream 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (nothing)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  101 Adding position 0
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  Creating new media session
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  Setting media session as default for audio
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  Done
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Negotiating incoming SDP media stream 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (nothing) using audio SDP handler
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  101
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c: Transport transport-udp bound to Using it for RTP media.
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Using engine 'asterisk' for RTP instance '0x3a9d8ba54020'
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba54020) RTP allocated port 10912
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba54020) ICE creating session (10912)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba54020) ICE create
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba54020) ICE add system candidates
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba54020) ICE add candidate:, 2130706431
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: RTP instance '0x3a9d8ba54020' is setup and ready to go
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba54020) ICE stopped
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] acl.c: Attached to given IP address
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_rtp_asterisk.c: () RTCP setup on RTP instance
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  101
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  101
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 0 based on m type on 0x8d10f2950
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 8 based on m type on 0x8d10f2950
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 18 based on m type on 0x8d10f2950
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session/pjsip_session_caps.c: '101' Caps for incoming audio call with pref 'local' - remote: (opus|speex16|speex|ulaw|alaw|g729) local: (alaw|ulaw) joint: (alaw|ulaw)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Crossover copying tx to rx payload mapping 0 (0x3a9d8a05fdb8) from 0x8d10f2950 to 0x8d10f2950
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Crossover copying tx to rx payload mapping 8 (0x3a9d8a05ff98) from 0x8d10f2950 to 0x8d10f2950
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Crossover copying tx to rx payload mapping 18 (0x3a9d8a0601c8) from 0x8d10f2950 to 0x8d10f2950
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Crossover copying tx to rx payload mapping 96 (0x3a9d8ba15f48) from 0x8d10f2950 to 0x8d10f2950
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Crossover copying tx to rx payload mapping 97 (0x3a9d8ba15f98) from 0x8d10f2950 to 0x8d10f2950
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Crossover copying tx to rx payload mapping 98 (0x3a9d8ba15fe8) from 0x8d10f2950 to 0x8d10f2950
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Crossover copying tx to rx payload mapping 99 (0x3a9d8ba16038) from 0x8d10f2950 to 0x8d10f2950
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Crossover copying tx to rx payload mapping 100 (0x3a9d8ba16088) from 0x8d10f2950 to 0x8d10f2950
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Crossover copying tx to rx payload mapping 101 (0x3a9d8ba15ef8) from 0x8d10f2950 to 0x8d10f2950
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Copying rx payload mapping 0 (0x3a9d8a05fdb8) from 0x8d10f2950 to 0x3a9d8ba541f8
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Copying rx payload mapping 8 (0x3a9d8a05ff98) from 0x8d10f2950 to 0x3a9d8ba541f8
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Copying rx payload mapping 18 (0x3a9d8a0601c8) from 0x8d10f2950 to 0x3a9d8ba541f8
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Copying rx payload mapping 96 (0x3a9d8ba15f48) from 0x8d10f2950 to 0x3a9d8ba541f8
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Copying rx payload mapping 97 (0x3a9d8ba15f98) from 0x8d10f2950 to 0x3a9d8ba541f8
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Copying rx payload mapping 98 (0x3a9d8ba15fe8) from 0x8d10f2950 to 0x3a9d8ba541f8
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Copying rx payload mapping 99 (0x3a9d8ba15ea8) from 0x8d10f2950 to 0x3a9d8ba541f8
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Copying rx payload mapping 100 (0x3a9d8ba161c8) from 0x8d10f2950 to 0x3a9d8ba541f8
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Copying rx payload mapping 101 (0x3a9d8ba15ef8) from 0x8d10f2950 to 0x3a9d8ba541f8
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 0 (0x3a9d8a05fdb8) from 0x8d10f2950 to 0x3a9d8ba541f8
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 8 (0x3a9d8a05ff98) from 0x8d10f2950 to 0x3a9d8ba541f8
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 18 (0x3a9d8a0601c8) from 0x8d10f2950 to 0x3a9d8ba541f8
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 96 (0x3a9d8ba15f48) from 0x8d10f2950 to 0x3a9d8ba541f8
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 97 (0x3a9d8ba15f98) from 0x8d10f2950 to 0x3a9d8ba541f8
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 98 (0x3a9d8ba15fe8) from 0x8d10f2950 to 0x3a9d8ba541f8
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 99 (0x3a9d8ba16038) from 0x8d10f2950 to 0x3a9d8ba541f8
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 100 (0x3a9d8ba16088) from 0x8d10f2950 to 0x3a9d8ba541f8
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 101 (0x3a9d8ba15ef8) from 0x8d10f2950 to 0x3a9d8ba541f8
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Media stream 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw) handled by audio
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Done with stream 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Handled? yes
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  101
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Processing streams
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Processing stream 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  101 Adding position 0
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  Using existing media_session
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  101 Stream: 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  101 Type: audio 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba54020) RTCP ignoring duplicate property
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  RC: 1
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  Had handler
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Stream 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw) added
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Done with 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Adding bundle groups (if available)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Copying connection details
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Processing media 0
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Media 0 reset
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  101
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Method is INVITE
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  101
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  101
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] channel_internal_api.c:  <initializing>: Formats: (none)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] channel_internal_api.c:  Channel is being initialized or destroyed
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] stream.c:  Topology Create
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] stream.c:  Created: 0x3a9d8ba0b918
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] stasis.c: Creating topic. name: channel:1738954728.4, detail:
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] stasis.c: Topic 'channel:1738954728.4': 0x3a9d8bb66090 created
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] channel.c: Channel 0x3a9d8f4e1020 'PJSIP/101-00000004' allocated
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  Topology:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)> Formats: (alaw|ulaw)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  Compatible? yes
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] stream.c:  Topology Create
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] stream.c:  Created: 0x3a9d8ba0b9d8
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] channel_internal_api.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004: MultistreamFormats: (alaw|ulaw)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] channel_internal_api.c:  Set native formats but not topology
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] channel_internal_api.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)>
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] stream.c:  Topology: 0x3a9d8ba0b918:
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] stream.c:  Destroyed: 0x3a9d8ba0b918
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] channel_internal_api.c:  Used provided topology
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c: Started PBX on new PJSIP channel PJSIP/101-00000004
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  RC: 0
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  Request:  Session: PJSIP/101-00000004
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  (null session) Handled request INVITE  ? yes
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102319] threadpool.c: Increasing threadpool stasis/pool's size by 1
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] pbx.c: Launching 'Set'
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] VERBOSE[102438][C-00000003] pbx.c: Executing [84951234567@mcn-out:1] Set("PJSIP/101-00000004", "CALLERID(all)=81111111111") in new stack
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'CALLID' is NULL
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] pbx.c: Launching 'MixMonitor'
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] VERBOSE[102438][C-00000003] pbx.c: Executing [84951234567@mcn-out:2] MixMonitor("PJSIP/101-00000004", "/var/lib/asterisk/call_.wav") in new stack
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] autochan.c: Created autochan 0x3a9d8b224210 to hold channel PJSIP/101-00000004 (0x3a9d8f4e1020)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'EXTEN' is '84951234567'
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] pbx.c: Launching 'Dial'
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] VERBOSE[102438][C-00000003] pbx.c: Executing [84951234567@mcn-out:3] Dial("PJSIP/101-00000004", "PJSIP/84951234567@MCN_81111111111_endpoint") in new stack
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] app_dial.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004: Data: PJSIP/84951234567@MCN_81111111111_endpoint
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] stream.c:  Topology Create
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] stream.c:  Created: 0x3a9d8b22c198
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] chan_pjsip.c:  84951234567@MCN_81111111111_endpoint Topology:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)>
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] VERBOSE[102440][C-00000003] app_mixmonitor.c: Begin MixMonitor Recording PJSIP/101-00000004
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102440][C-00000003] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x3a9d8b265040 and write factory 0x3a9d8b265a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  84951234567@MCN_81111111111_endpoint
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  MCN_81111111111_endpoint 84951234567 Topology:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)>
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  MCN_81111111111_endpoint
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  Direct media no glare mitigation
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session/pjsip_session_caps.c: 'MCN_81111111111_endpoint' Caps for outgoing audio call with pref 'remote_merge' - remote: (alaw|ulaw) local: (alaw|ulaw|g729) joint: (alaw|ulaw|g729)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] stream.c:  Topology Create
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] stream.c:  Created: 0x3a9d8ba0bad8
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] chan_pjsip.c:  MCN_81111111111_endpoint
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] channel_internal_api.c:  <initializing>: Formats: (none)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] channel_internal_api.c:  Channel is being initialized or destroyed
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] stream.c:  Topology Create
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] stream.c:  Created: 0x3a9d8b22c258
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] stasis.c: Creating topic. name: channel:1738954728.5, detail:
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] stasis.c: Topic 'channel:1738954728.5': 0x3a9d8b258410 created
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] channel.c: Channel 0x3a9d8b277020 'PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005' allocated
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] chan_pjsip.c:  Topology:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw|g729)> Formats: (alaw|ulaw|g729)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] chan_pjsip.c:  Compatible? yes
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] stream.c:  Topology Create
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] stream.c:  Created: 0x3a9d8b22c2d8
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] channel_internal_api.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: MultistreamFormats: (alaw|ulaw|g729)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] channel_internal_api.c:  Set native formats but not topology
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] channel_internal_api.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw|g729)>
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] stream.c:  Topology: 0x3a9d8b22c258:
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] stream.c:  Destroyed: 0x3a9d8b22c258
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] channel_internal_api.c:  Used provided topology
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] chan_pjsip.c:
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] chan_pjsip.c:  Channel: PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] stream.c:  Topology: 0x3a9d8b22c198:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)>
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] stream.c:  Destroyed: 0x3a9d8b22c198
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 Topology:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw|g729)>
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] chan_pjsip.c:  'call' task pushed
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] VERBOSE[102438][C-00000003] app_dial.c: Called PJSIP/84951234567@MCN_81111111111_endpoint
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] app_dial.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 setting read format path: alaw -> alaw
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/101-00000004 setting write format path: alaw -> alaw
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/101-00000004 setting read format path: alaw -> alaw
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 setting write format path: alaw -> alaw
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 Topology:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw|g729)>
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Processing streams
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Processing stream 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw|g729)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 Adding position 0
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  Creating new media session
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  Setting media session as default for audio
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  Done
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 Stream: 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw|g729)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 Type: audio 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw|g729)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c: Transport transport-udp bound to Using it for RTP media.
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Using engine 'asterisk' for RTP instance '0x3a9d8ba543a0'
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba543a0) RTP allocated port 10914
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba543a0) ICE creating session (10914)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba543a0) ICE create
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba543a0) ICE add system candidates
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba543a0) ICE add candidate:, 2130706431
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: RTP instance '0x3a9d8ba543a0' is setup and ready to go
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba543a0) ICE stopped
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] acl.c: Attached to given IP address
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_rtp_asterisk.c: () RTCP setup on RTP instance
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  RC: 1
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  Handled
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Stream 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw|g729) added
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Done with 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw|g729)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Adding bundle groups (if available)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Copying connection details
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Processing media 0
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Media 0 reset
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Method is INVITE
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: Performing SIP DNS resolution of target ''
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: Transport type for target '' is 'UDP transport'
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x3a9d8baa4c18] Created resolution tracking for target ''
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x3a9d8baa4c18] Added target '' with record type '1', transport 'UDP transport', and port '5060'
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x3a9d8baa4c18] Starting initial resolution using parallel queries for target ''
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 Event: TSX_STATE  Inv State: CALLING
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'MCN_81111111111_endpoint(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005)'
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x3a9d8b6660a8)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: There is no transaction involved in this state change
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CALLING
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Source of transaction state change is TX_MSG
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 TSX State: Calling  Inv State: CALLING
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_transaction *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'MCN_81111111111_endpoint(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005)'
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x3a9d8b6660a8)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x3a9d8b6660a8
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Calling
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TX_MSG
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CALLING
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  Nothing delayed
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 TSX State: Calling  Inv State: CALLING
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  Topology: Pending:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw|g729)>  Active: (null topology)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  RC: 0
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004: Indicated Connected line update
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102333] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x3a9d8baa4c18] All parallel queries completed
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102333] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x3a9d8baa4c18] A record received on target ''
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102333] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x3a9d8baa4c18] Resolution completed - 1 viable targets
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x3a9d8baa4c18] Address '0' is with transport 'UDP transport'
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x3a9d8baa4c18] Invoking user callback with '1' addresses
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_filter.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to (this may be re-written again later)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Setting external media address to
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Searching for serializer associated with dialog dlg0x3a9d8bb4a0a8 for Response msg 100/INVITE/cseq=32268 (rdata0x3a9d8b206668)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/outsess/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000059 associated with dialog dlg0x3a9d8bb4a0a8
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 Method: INVITE Status: 100
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 TSX State: Proceeding  Inv State: CALLING
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_transaction *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'MCN_81111111111_endpoint(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005)'
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x3a9d8b6660a8)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x3a9d8b6660a8
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Proceeding
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is RX_MSG
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CALLING
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Response is 100 Trying
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Status: 100
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Not queueing anything
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Status: 100
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  Nothing delayed
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 TSX State: Proceeding  Inv State: CALLING
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  Topology: Pending:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw|g729)>  Active: (null topology)
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004: Indicated Private Cause Code
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004
[2025-02-07 21:58:49.8q] DEBUG[102356] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Woke up at 1738954729  Interval: 30
[2025-02-07 21:58:49.8q] DEBUG[102356] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Expiring 0 contacts
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Searching for serializer associated with dialog dlg0x3a9d8bb4a0a8 for Response msg 401/INVITE/cseq=32268 (rdata0x3a9d8b2066e8)
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/outsess/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000059 associated with dialog dlg0x3a9d8bb4a0a8
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Initial INVITE is being challenged.
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_outbound_authenticator_digest.c: Searching auths to find matching ones for header with realm 'mcn' and algorithm 'MD5'
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_outbound_authenticator_digest.c: Found wildcard auth 'MCN_81111111111_auth' for realm 'mcn'
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_outbound_authenticator_digest.c: Using wildcard auth 'MCN_81111111111_auth' for realm 'mcn'
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_outbound_authenticator_digest.c: Set 1 credentials in auth session
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Method is INVITE
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_filter.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to (this may be re-written again later)
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 TSX State: Calling  Inv State: CALLING
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_transaction *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'MCN_81111111111_endpoint(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005)'
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x3a9d8ba600a8)
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x3a9d8ba600a8
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Calling
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TX_MSG
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CALLING
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  Nothing delayed
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 TSX State: Calling  Inv State: CALLING
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  Topology: Pending:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw|g729)>  Active: (null topology)
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 TSX State: Completed  Inv State: CALLING
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_transaction *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'MCN_81111111111_endpoint(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005)'
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x3a9d8ba600a8)
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x3a9d8b6660a8
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Completed
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is RX_MSG
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CALLING
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Response is 401 Unauthorized
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Status: 401
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Not queueing anything
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Status: 401
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  Nothing delayed
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 TSX State: Completed  Inv State: CALLING
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  Topology: Pending:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw|g729)>  Active: (null topology)
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004: Indicated Private Cause Code
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Searching for serializer associated with dialog dlg0x3a9d8bb4a0a8 for Response msg 100/INVITE/cseq=32269 (rdata0x3a9d8b206728)
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/outsess/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000059 associated with dialog dlg0x3a9d8bb4a0a8
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 Method: INVITE Status: 100
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 TSX State: Proceeding  Inv State: CALLING
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_transaction *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'MCN_81111111111_endpoint(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005)'
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x3a9d8ba600a8)
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x3a9d8ba600a8
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Proceeding
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is RX_MSG
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CALLING
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Response is 100 Trying
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Status: 100
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Not queueing anything
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Status: 100
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  Nothing delayed
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 TSX State: Proceeding  Inv State: CALLING
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  Topology: Pending:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw|g729)>  Active: (null topology)
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004: Indicated Private Cause Code
[2025-02-07 21:58:51.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004
Петров Р
Сообщения: 12
Зарегистрирован: 07 фев 2025, 20:31

Re: PJSIP, избитый NAT и MCN

Сообщение Петров Р »

Остаток, а то форум не позволяет

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[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Searching for serializer associated with dialog dlg0x3a9d8bb4a0a8 for Response msg 200/INVITE/cseq=32269 (rdata0x3a9d8b206c68)
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/outsess/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000059 associated with dialog dlg0x3a9d8bb4a0a8
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 Method: INVITE Status: 200
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 Event: TSX_STATE  Inv State: CONNECTING
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'MCN_81111111111_endpoint(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005)'
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x3a9d8ba600a8)
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: There is no transaction involved in this state change
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONNECTING
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Source of transaction state change is RX_MSG
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Received response
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Response is 200 OK
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Status: 200
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Applying negotiated SDP media stream 'audio' using audio SDP handler
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 Stream: 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw|g729)
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba543a0) RTCP ignoring duplicate property
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] acl.c: For destination '', our source address is ''.
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba543a0) RTCP setting address on RTP instance
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] VERBOSE[102433] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x3a9d8ba88000 -- Strict RTP learning after remote address set to:
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 ANSWER
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] channel_internal_api.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: MultistreamFormats: (alaw)
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] channel_internal_api.c:  Set native formats but not topology
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 setting read format path: alaw -> alaw
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 setting write format path: alaw -> alaw
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba543a0) DTLS - ast_rtp_activate rtp=0x3a9d8ba88000 - setup and perform DTLS'
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba88000) DTLS perform handshake - ssl = 0x0, setup = 0
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba88000) DTLS perform handshake - ssl = 0x0, setup = 0
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  Handled
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Applied negotiated SDP media stream 'audio' using audio SDP handler
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Applied negotiated SDP media stream 'audio' using audio SDP handler
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] stream.c:  Topology Create
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] stream.c:  Created: 0x3a9d8ba0bb18
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] channel_internal_api.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|g729)>
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] stream.c:  Topology: 0x3a9d8b22c2d8:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw|g729)>
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] stream.c:  Destroyed: 0x3a9d8b22c2d8
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] channel_internal_api.c:  Used provided topology
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: Performing SIP DNS resolution of target ''
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: Transport type for target '' is 'UDP transport'
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: Target '' is an IP address, skipping resolution
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 Event: TX_MSG  Inv State: CONFIRMED
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_event *) called on event TX_MSG
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'MCN_81111111111_endpoint(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005)'
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x3a9d8ba600a8)
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: There is no transaction involved in this state change
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONFIRMED
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 TSX State: Terminated  Inv State: CONFIRMED
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_transaction *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'MCN_81111111111_endpoint(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005)'
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x3a9d8ba600a8
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Terminated
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is RX_MSG
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONFIRMED
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Response is 200 OK
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Status: 200
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Queueing ANSWER
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Status: 200
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  Nothing delayed
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 TSX State: Terminated  Inv State: CONFIRMED
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  Topology: Pending: (null topology)  Active:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|g729)>
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004: Indicated Private Cause Code
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] app_dial.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 answered PJSIP/101-00000004
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] VERBOSE[102438][C-00000003] app_dial.c: PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 answered PJSIP/101-00000004
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] app_dial.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004: Answered by PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 setting read format path: alaw -> alaw
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/101-00000004 setting write format path: alaw -> alaw
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/101-00000004 setting read format path: alaw -> alaw
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 setting write format path: alaw -> alaw
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] features.c: Answering channel for bridge: PJSIP/101-00000004
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102331] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for PJSIP - MCN_81111111111_endpoint
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102331] devicestate.c: Changing state for PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint - state 2 (In use)
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102331] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for PJSIP - 101
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102331] devicestate.c: Changing state for PJSIP/101 - state 2 (In use)
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102319] threadpool.c: Increasing threadpool stasis/pool's size by 1
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: PJSIP/101-00000004: Applying negotiated SDP media stream 'audio' using audio SDP handler
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004 Stream: 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba54020) RTCP ignoring duplicate property
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] acl.c: For destination '', our source address is ''.
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba54020) RTCP setting address on RTP instance
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] VERBOSE[102433] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x3a9d8ba85000 -- Strict RTP learning after remote address set to:
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004 ANSWER
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 0 (0x3a9d8a05fdb8) from 0x8d10f2270 to 0x3a9d8ba541f8
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 8 (0x3a9d8a05ff98) from 0x8d10f2270 to 0x3a9d8ba541f8
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 18 (0x3a9d8a0601c8) from 0x8d10f2270 to 0x3a9d8ba541f8
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 96 (0x3a9d8ba16ee8) from 0x8d10f2270 to 0x3a9d8ba541f8
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 97 (0x3a9d8ba16f38) from 0x8d10f2270 to 0x3a9d8ba541f8
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 98 (0x3a9d8ba16f88) from 0x8d10f2270 to 0x3a9d8ba541f8
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 99 (0x3a9d8ba16fd8) from 0x8d10f2270 to 0x3a9d8ba541f8
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 100 (0x3a9d8ba17028) from 0x8d10f2270 to 0x3a9d8ba541f8
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 101 (0x3a9d8ba16e98) from 0x8d10f2270 to 0x3a9d8ba541f8
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] channel_internal_api.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004: MultistreamFormats: (alaw)
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] channel_internal_api.c:  Set native formats but not topology
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/101-00000004 setting read format path: alaw -> alaw
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/101-00000004 setting write format path: alaw -> alaw
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba54020) DTLS - ast_rtp_activate rtp=0x3a9d8ba85000 - setup and perform DTLS'
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  Handled
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: PJSIP/101-00000004: Applied negotiated SDP media stream 'audio' using audio SDP handler
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004: Applied negotiated SDP media stream 'audio' using audio SDP handler
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] stream.c:  Topology Create
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] stream.c:  Created: 0x3a9d8b22c2d8
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] channel_internal_api.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)>
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] stream.c:  Topology: 0x3a9d8ba0b9d8:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)>
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] stream.c:  Destroyed: 0x3a9d8ba0b9d8
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] channel_internal_api.c:  Used provided topology
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004: Method is INVITE, Response is 200 OK
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session/pjsip_session_reason_header.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004: Response Code: 200
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session/pjsip_session_reason_header.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004: No datastore on session.  Nothing to do
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_filter.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to (this may be re-written again later)
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: (null session): Setting external media address to
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004 Event: TSX_STATE  Inv State: CONNECTING
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '101(PJSIP/101-00000004)'
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x3a9d8b6668a8)
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: There is no transaction involved in this state change
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONNECTING
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: PJSIP/101-00000004: Source of transaction state change is TX_MSG
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004 TSX State: Completed  Inv State: CONNECTING
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_transaction *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '101(PJSIP/101-00000004)'
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x3a9d8b6668a8)
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAS INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x3a9d8b6668a8
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Completed
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TX_MSG
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONNECTING
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  Nothing delayed
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004 TSX State: Completed  Inv State: CONNECTING
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  Topology: Pending: (null topology)  Active:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)>
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004: Indicated Stop generators
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] stasis.c: Creating topic. name: bridge:all/bridge:0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78, detail:
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] stasis.c: Topic 'bridge:all/bridge:0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78': 0x3a9d8b258aa0 created
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] bridge_native_rtp.c: Bridge '0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78' can not use native RTP bridge as two channels are required
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] bridge.c: Bridge technology native_rtp is not compatible with properties of existing bridge.
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] bridge.c: Bridge technology holding_bridge does not have any capabilities we want.
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] bridge.c: Bridge technology softmix has less preference than simple_bridge (10 <= 50). Skipping.
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] bridge.c: Chose bridge technology simple_bridge
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] bridge.c: Bridge 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78: calling simple_bridge technology constructor
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] bridge.c: Bridge 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78: calling simple_bridge technology start
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] stasis_bridges.c: Update: 0x3a9d8b225008  Old: <none>  New: 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] stasis_bridges.c: Update: 0x3a9d8b225008  Old: <none>  New: 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102442][C-00000003] bridge_channel.c: Bridge 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78: 0x3a9d8b255320(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005) is joining
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102442][C-00000003] bridge_channel.c: Bridge 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78: pushing 0x3a9d8b255320(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005)
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] VERBOSE[102442][C-00000003] bridge_channel.c: Channel PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78>
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102442][C-00000003] stasis_bridges.c: Update: 0x3a9d8c229168  Old: 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78  New: 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102442][C-00000003] stasis_bridges.c: Update: 0x3a9d8c229168  Old: 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78  New: 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102442][C-00000003] bridge_native_rtp.c: Bridge '0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78' can not use native RTP bridge as two channels are required
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102442][C-00000003] bridge.c: Bridge technology native_rtp is not compatible with properties of existing bridge.
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102442][C-00000003] bridge.c: Bridge technology holding_bridge does not have any capabilities we want.
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102442][C-00000003] bridge.c: Bridge technology softmix does not have any capabilities we want.
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102442][C-00000003] bridge.c: Chose bridge technology simple_bridge
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102442][C-00000003] bridge.c: Bridge 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78 is already using the new technology.
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102442][C-00000003] bridge.c: Bridge 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78: 0x3a9d8b255320(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005) is joining simple_bridge technology
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102442][C-00000003] stasis_bridges.c: Update: 0x3a9d8c229348  Old: 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78  New: 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102442][C-00000003] stasis_bridges.c: Update: 0x3a9d8c229348  Old: 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78  New: 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102442][C-00000003] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Indicated Media SSRC change
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102442][C-00000003] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] bridge_channel.c: Bridge 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78: 0x3a9d8b2554a0(PJSIP/101-00000004) is joining
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] bridge_channel.c: Bridge 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78: pushing 0x3a9d8b2554a0(PJSIP/101-00000004)
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] VERBOSE[102438][C-00000003] bridge_channel.c: Channel PJSIP/101-00000004 joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78>
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] stasis_bridges.c: Update: 0x3a9d8b225a58  Old: 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78  New: 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] stasis_bridges.c: Update: 0x3a9d8b225a58  Old: 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78  New: 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] bridge_native_rtp.c: Bridge '0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78'.  Checking compatability for channels 'PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005' and 'PJSIP/101-00000004'
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] bridge_native_rtp.c: Bridge '0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78' can not use native RTP bridge as channel 'PJSIP/101-00000004' has features which prevent it
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] bridge.c: Bridge technology native_rtp is not compatible with properties of existing bridge.
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] bridge.c: Bridge technology holding_bridge does not have any capabilities we want.
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] bridge.c: Bridge technology softmix does not have any capabilities we want.
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] bridge.c: Chose bridge technology simple_bridge
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] bridge.c: Bridge 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78 is already using the new technology.
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] bridge.c: Bridge 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78: 0x3a9d8b2554a0(PJSIP/101-00000004) is joining simple_bridge technology
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/101-00000004 setting read format path: alaw -> alaw
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 setting write format path: alaw -> alaw
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 setting read format path: alaw -> alaw
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/101-00000004 setting write format path: alaw -> alaw
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] stream.c:  Topology Create
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] stream.c:  Created: 0x3a9d8b22c5d8
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] bridge_simple.c: PJSIP/101-00000004: Topologies already match. Current:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)>  Requested:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)>
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] stream.c:  Topology: 0x3a9d8b22c5d8:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)>
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] stream.c:  Destroyed: 0x3a9d8b22c5d8
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] stream.c:  Topology Create
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] stream.c:  Created: 0x3a9d8b22c5d8
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] channel.c: PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Topologies already match. Current:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|g729)>  Requested:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|g729)>
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] stream.c:  Topology: 0x3a9d8b22c5d8:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|g729)>
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] stream.c:  Destroyed: 0x3a9d8b22c5d8
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] stasis_bridges.c: Update: 0x3a9d8b2262f8  Old: 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78  New: 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] stasis_bridges.c: Update: 0x3a9d8b2262f8  Old: 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78  New: 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004: Indicated Media SSRC change
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004
[2025-02-07 21:58:53.8q] DEBUG[102319] threadpool.c: Increasing threadpool stasis/pool's size by 1
[2025-02-07 21:58:54.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_filter.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to (this may be re-written again later)
[2025-02-07 21:58:54.8q] DEBUG[102344] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:58:54.8q] DEBUG[102344] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:58:55.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_filter.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to (this may be re-written again later)
[2025-02-07 21:58:55.8q] DEBUG[102344] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:58:55.8q] DEBUG[102344] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:58:57.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_filter.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to (this may be re-written again later)
[2025-02-07 21:58:57.8q] DEBUG[102344] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:58:57.8q] DEBUG[102344] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:59:01.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_filter.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to (this may be re-written again later)
[2025-02-07 21:59:13.8q] DEBUG[102344] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:59:13.8q] DEBUG[102344] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:59:13.8q] DEBUG[102443] threadpool.c: Worker thread idle timeout reached. Dying.
[2025-02-07 21:59:13.8q] DEBUG[102319] threadpool.c: Destroying worker thread 59
[2025-02-07 21:59:17.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_filter.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to (this may be re-written again later)
[2025-02-07 21:59:17.8q] DEBUG[102344] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:59:17.8q] DEBUG[102344] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:59:19.8q] DEBUG[102356] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Woke up at 1738954759  Interval: 30
[2025-02-07 21:59:19.8q] DEBUG[102356] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Expiring 0 contacts
[2025-02-07 21:59:20.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound REGISTER attempt 1 to '' with client ''
[2025-02-07 21:59:20.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: Performing SIP DNS resolution of target ''
[2025-02-07 21:59:20.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: Transport type for target '' is 'UDP transport'
[2025-02-07 21:59:20.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x3a9d8baa4c18] Created resolution tracking for target ''
[2025-02-07 21:59:20.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x3a9d8baa4c18] Added target '' with record type '35', transport 'UDP transport', and port '5060'
[2025-02-07 21:59:20.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x3a9d8baa4c18] Added target '' with record type '33', transport 'UDP transport', and port '5060'
[2025-02-07 21:59:20.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x3a9d8baa4c18] Added target '' with record type '1', transport 'UDP transport', and port '5060'
[2025-02-07 21:59:20.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x3a9d8baa4c18] Starting initial resolution using parallel queries for target ''
[2025-02-07 21:59:20.8q] DEBUG[102333] dns.c: DNS search failed for
[2025-02-07 21:59:20.8q] DEBUG[102333] dns_system_resolver.c: DNS search failed for query: ''
[2025-02-07 21:59:20.8q] DEBUG[102333] dns.c: DNS search failed for
[2025-02-07 21:59:20.8q] DEBUG[102333] dns_system_resolver.c: DNS search failed for query: ''
[2025-02-07 21:59:20.8q] DEBUG[102333] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x3a9d8baa4c18] All parallel queries completed
[2025-02-07 21:59:20.8q] DEBUG[102333] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x3a9d8baa4c18] A record received on target ''
[2025-02-07 21:59:20.8q] DEBUG[102333] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x3a9d8baa4c18] Resolution completed - 1 viable targets
[2025-02-07 21:59:20.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x3a9d8baa4c18] Address '0' is with transport 'UDP transport'
[2025-02-07 21:59:20.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x3a9d8baa4c18] Invoking user callback with '1' addresses
[2025-02-07 21:59:20.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_filter.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to (this may be re-written again later)
[2025-02-07 21:59:21.8q] DEBUG[102344] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:59:21.8q] DEBUG[102344] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:59:22.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_filter.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to (this may be re-written again later)
[2025-02-07 21:59:22.8q] DEBUG[102344] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:59:22.8q] DEBUG[102344] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:59:23.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 TSX State: Terminated  Inv State: CONFIRMED
[2025-02-07 21:59:23.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_transaction *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-07 21:59:23.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'MCN_81111111111_endpoint(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005)'
[2025-02-07 21:59:23.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx
[2025-02-07 21:59:23.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x3a9d8b6660a8
[2025-02-07 21:59:23.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Terminated
[2025-02-07 21:59:23.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TIMER
[2025-02-07 21:59:23.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONFIRMED
[2025-02-07 21:59:23.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c:  Nothing delayed
[2025-02-07 21:59:23.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 TSX State: Terminated  Inv State: CONFIRMED
[2025-02-07 21:59:23.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c:  Topology: Pending: (null topology)  Active:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|g729)>
[2025-02-07 21:59:23.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c:
[2025-02-07 21:59:24.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_filter.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to (this may be re-written again later)
[2025-02-07 21:59:24.8q] DEBUG[102344] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:59:24.8q] DEBUG[102344] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_filter.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to (this may be re-written again later)
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: Performing SIP DNS resolution of target ''
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: Transport type for target '' is 'UDP transport'
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: Target '' is an IP address, skipping resolution
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004 TSX State: Calling  Inv State: CONNECTING
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_transaction *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '101(PJSIP/101-00000004)'
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x3a9d8b6668a8)
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC BYE transaction involved in this state change is 0x3a9d8b6660a8
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Calling
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TX_MSG
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONNECTING
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c:  Nothing delayed
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004 TSX State: Calling  Inv State: CONNECTING
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c:  Topology: Pending: (null topology)  Active:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)>
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c:
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004 TSX State: Terminated  Inv State: CONNECTING
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_transaction *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '101(PJSIP/101-00000004)'
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAS INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x3a9d8b6668a8
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Terminated
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TIMER
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONNECTING
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c:  Nothing delayed
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004 TSX State: Terminated  Inv State: CONNECTING
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c:  Topology: Pending: (null topology)  Active:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)>
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip_session.c:
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Searching for serializer associated with dialog dlg0x3a9d8b2230a8 for Response msg 200/BYE/cseq=5250 (rdata0x3a9d8b206ba8)
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/distributor-00000026 associated with dialog dlg0x3a9d8b2230a8
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004 Method: BYE Status: 200
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004 Event: TSX_STATE  Inv State: DISCONNECTED
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '101(PJSIP/101-00000004)'
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: There is no transaction involved in this state change
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is DISCONNECTED
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: PJSIP/101-00000004: Source of transaction state change is RX_MSG
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: PJSIP/101-00000004: Received response
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004: Response is 200 Ok
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004 TSX State: Completed  Inv State: DISCONNECTED
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_transaction *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '101(PJSIP/101-00000004)'
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC BYE transaction involved in this state change is 0x3a9d8b6660a8
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Completed
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is RX_MSG
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is DISCONNECTED
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004: Response is 200 Ok
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: PJSIP/101-00000004: BYE received final response code 200
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  Nothing delayed
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004 TSX State: Completed  Inv State: DISCONNECTED
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  Topology: Pending: (null topology)  Active:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)>
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102319] threadpool.c: Increasing threadpool stasis/pool's size by 1
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102319] threadpool.c: Increasing threadpool stasis/pool's size by 1
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] bridge_channel.c: Setting 0x3a9d8b2554a0(PJSIP/101-00000004) state from:0 to:1
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] bridge_channel.c: Bridge 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78: pulling 0x3a9d8b2554a0(PJSIP/101-00000004)
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] VERBOSE[102438][C-00000003] bridge_channel.c: Channel PJSIP/101-00000004 left 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78>
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] bridge_channel.c: Bridge 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78: 0x3a9d8b2554a0(PJSIP/101-00000004) is leaving simple_bridge technology
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] bridge.c: Bridge 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78: dissolving bridge with cause 16(Normal Clearing)
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] bridge_channel.c: Setting 0x3a9d8b255320(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005) state from:0 to:2
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] bridge.c: Bridge 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78: queueing action type:13 sub:1001
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] stasis_bridges.c: Update: 0x3a9d8b226598  Old: 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78  New: 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] stasis_bridges.c: Update: 0x3a9d8b226598  Old: 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78  New: 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] bridge.c: Bridge 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78 is dissolved, not performing smart bridge operation.
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=ANSWER.
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] app_dial.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004: Done
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] pbx.c: Spawn extension (mcn-out,84951234567,3) exited non-zero on 'PJSIP/101-00000004'
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] VERBOSE[102438][C-00000003] pbx.c: Spawn extension (mcn-out, 84951234567, 3) exited non-zero on 'PJSIP/101-00000004'
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] channel.c: Soft-Hanging (0x10) up channel 'PJSIP/101-00000004'
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] channel.c: Channel 0x3a9d8f4e1020 'PJSIP/101-00000004' hanging up.  Refs: 3
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] chan_pjsip.c: AST hangup cause 16 (no match found in PJSIP)
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102438][C-00000003] chan_pjsip.c:  Cause: 0
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102442][C-00000003] bridge_channel.c: Bridge 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78: pulling 0x3a9d8b255320(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005)
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] VERBOSE[102442][C-00000003] bridge_channel.c: Channel PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 left 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78>
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102442][C-00000003] bridge_channel.c: Bridge 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78: 0x3a9d8b255320(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005) is leaving simple_bridge technology
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102442][C-00000003] stasis_bridges.c: Update: 0x3a9d8c229498  Old: 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78  New: 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102442][C-00000003] stasis_bridges.c: Update: 0x3a9d8c229498  Old: 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78  New: 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102442][C-00000003] bridge.c: Bridge 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78 is dissolved, not performing smart bridge operation.
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102442][C-00000003] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Indicated Media SSRC change
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102442][C-00000003] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102330][C-00000003] bridge.c: Bridge 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78: actually destroying basic bridge, nobody wants it anymore
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102330][C-00000003] stasis_bridges.c: Update: 0x3a9d8ba10198  Old: 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78  New: <none>
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102330][C-00000003] stasis_bridges.c: Update: 0x3a9d8ba10198  Old: 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78  New: <none>
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102330][C-00000003] stasis.c: Destroying topic. name: bridge:all/bridge:0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78, detail:
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102330][C-00000003] stasis.c: Topic 'bridge:all/bridge:0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78': 0x3a9d8b258aa0 destroyed
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102330][C-00000003] bridge.c: Bridge 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78: calling basic bridge destructor
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102330][C-00000003] bridge.c: Bridge 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78: calling simple_bridge technology stop
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102330][C-00000003] bridge.c: Bridge 0abc248c-b549-4d35-8ef8-6d5ade49ec78: calling simple_bridge technology destructor
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000004 Response 0
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102440][C-00000003] autochan.c: Removed autochan 0x3a9d8b224210 from the list, about to free it
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba54020) DTLS srtp - stopped timeout timer'
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba54020) DTLS srtp - stopped timeout timer'
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (1738954728.4) RTP Stop
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba54020) DTLS stop
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba54020) DTLS srtp - stopped timeout timer'
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba54020) DTLS srtp - stopped timeout timer'
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba54020) ICE RTP transport deallocating
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] rtp_engine.c: Destroyed RTP instance '0x3a9d8ba54020'
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] stream.c:  Topology: 0x3a9d8ba0b798:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)>
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] stream.c:  Destroyed: 0x3a9d8ba0b798
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] channel.c: Channel 0x3a9d8f4e1020 'PJSIP/101-00000004' destroying
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102442][C-00000003] channel.c: Channel 0x3a9d8b277020 'PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005' hanging up.  Refs: 2
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102442][C-00000003] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102442][C-00000003] chan_pjsip.c: AST hangup cause 16 (no match found in PJSIP)
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102442][C-00000003] chan_pjsip.c:  Cause: 0
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 Response 0
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba543a0) DTLS srtp - stopped timeout timer'
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba543a0) DTLS srtp - stopped timeout timer'
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (1738954728.5) RTP Stop
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba543a0) DTLS stop
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba543a0) DTLS srtp - stopped timeout timer'
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba543a0) DTLS srtp - stopped timeout timer'
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x3a9d8ba543a0) ICE RTP transport deallocating
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] rtp_engine.c: Destroyed RTP instance '0x3a9d8ba543a0'
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] stream.c:  Topology: 0x3a9d8ba0bad8:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|g729)>
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] stream.c:  Destroyed: 0x3a9d8ba0bad8
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005: Method is BYE
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: Performing SIP DNS resolution of target ''
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: Transport type for target '' is 'UDP transport'
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: Target '' is an IP address, skipping resolution
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 TSX State: Calling  Inv State: CONFIRMED
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_transaction *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'MCN_81111111111_endpoint(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005)'
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC BYE transaction involved in this state change is 0x3a9d8b6668a8
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Calling
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TX_MSG
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONFIRMED
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] res_pjsip_session.c:  Nothing delayed
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005 TSX State: Calling  Inv State: CONFIRMED
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] res_pjsip_session.c:  Topology: Pending: (null topology)  Active: (null topology)
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] res_pjsip_session.c:
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] res_pjsip_session.c:
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] channel.c: Channel 0x3a9d8b277020 'PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000005' destroying
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] stasis.c: Destroying topic. name: channel:1738954728.5, detail:
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] stasis.c: Topic 'channel:1738954728.5': 0x3a9d8b258410 destroyed
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] stream.c:  Topology: 0x3a9d8ba0bb18:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|g729)>
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] stream.c:  Destroyed: 0x3a9d8ba0bb18
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] channel_internal_api.c:  <initializing>: MultistreamFormats: (nothing)
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] channel_internal_api.c:  Channel is being initialized or destroyed
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102434] chan_pjsip.c:
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102331] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for PJSIP - MCN_81111111111_endpoint
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102331] devicestate.c: Changing state for PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint - state 1 (Not in use)
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] VERBOSE[102440][C-00000003] app_mixmonitor.c: MixMonitor close filestream (mixed)
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] stasis.c: Destroying topic. name: channel:1738954728.4, detail:
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] stasis.c: Topic 'channel:1738954728.4': 0x3a9d8bb66090 destroyed
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] stream.c:  Topology: 0x3a9d8b22c2d8:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)>
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] stream.c:  Destroyed: 0x3a9d8b22c2d8
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] channel_internal_api.c:  <initializing>: MultistreamFormats: (nothing)
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] channel_internal_api.c:  Channel is being initialized or destroyed
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] VERBOSE[102440][C-00000003] app_mixmonitor.c: End MixMonitor Recording PJSIP/101-00000004
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102440][C-00000003] app_mixmonitor.c: No recipients to forward monitor to, moving on.
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102331] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for PJSIP - 101
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102331] devicestate.c: Changing state for PJSIP/101 - state 1 (Not in use)
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Searching for serializer associated with dialog dlg0x3a9d8bb4a0a8 for Response msg 200/BYE/cseq=32270 (rdata0x3a9d8b206368)
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/outsess/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000059 associated with dialog dlg0x3a9d8bb4a0a8
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  MCN_81111111111_endpoint Method: BYE Status: 200
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  MCN_81111111111_endpoint Event: TSX_STATE  Inv State: DISCONNECTED
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'MCN_81111111111_endpoint()'
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: There is no transaction involved in this state change
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is DISCONNECTED
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: MCN_81111111111_endpoint: Source of transaction state change is RX_MSG
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: MCN_81111111111_endpoint: Received response
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  MCN_81111111111_endpoint: Response is 200 OK
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  MCN_81111111111_endpoint
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  MCN_81111111111_endpoint TSX State: Completed  Inv State: DISCONNECTED
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_transaction *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'MCN_81111111111_endpoint()'
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC BYE transaction involved in this state change is 0x3a9d8b6668a8
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Completed
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is RX_MSG
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is DISCONNECTED
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  MCN_81111111111_endpoint: Response is 200 OK
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  MCN_81111111111_endpoint
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c: MCN_81111111111_endpoint: BYE received final response code 200
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  Nothing delayed
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  MCN_81111111111_endpoint TSX State: Completed  Inv State: DISCONNECTED
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:  Topology: Pending: (null topology)  Active: (null topology)
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_session.c:
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  MCN_81111111111_endpoint
[2025-02-07 21:59:25.8q] DEBUG[102433] chan_pjsip.c:  No channel
[2025-02-07 21:59:26.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: No dialog serializer for Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=3169 (rdata0x3a9d8b2065e8).  Using request transaction as basis.
[2025-02-07 21:59:26.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found transaction tsx0x3a9d8ba600a8 for Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=3169 (rdata0x3a9d8b2065e8).
[2025-02-07 21:59:26.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/outreg/MCN_81111111111-00000052 on transaction tsx0x3a9d8ba600a8
[2025-02-07 21:59:26.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 401(Unauthorized)
[2025-02-07 21:59:26.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 401 from server '' for client ''
[2025-02-07 21:59:26.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_outbound_authenticator_digest.c: Searching auths to find matching ones for header with realm 'mcn' and algorithm 'MD5'
[2025-02-07 21:59:26.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_outbound_authenticator_digest.c: Found wildcard auth 'MCN_81111111111_auth' for realm 'mcn'
[2025-02-07 21:59:26.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_outbound_authenticator_digest.c: Using wildcard auth 'MCN_81111111111_auth' for realm 'mcn'
[2025-02-07 21:59:26.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_outbound_authenticator_digest.c: Set 1 credentials in auth session
[2025-02-07 21:59:26.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Sending authenticated REGISTER to server '' from client ''
[2025-02-07 21:59:26.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_filter.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to (this may be re-written again later)
[2025-02-07 21:59:26.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:59:26.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:59:26.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: No dialog serializer for Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=3170 (rdata0x3a9d8b2060e8).  Using request transaction as basis.
[2025-02-07 21:59:26.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found transaction tsx0x3a9d8ba5d0a8 for Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=3170 (rdata0x3a9d8b2060e8).
[2025-02-07 21:59:26.8q] DEBUG[102344] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/outreg/MCN_81111111111-00000052 on transaction tsx0x3a9d8ba5d0a8
[2025-02-07 21:59:26.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Received REGISTER response 200(OK)
[2025-02-07 21:59:26.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Processing REGISTER response 200 from server '' for client ''
[2025-02-07 21:59:26.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Outbound registration to '' with client '' successful
[2025-02-07 21:59:26.8q] DEBUG[102433] res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Scheduling outbound registration to server '' from client '' in 290 seconds
Сообщения: 15649
Зарегистрирован: 26 авг 2010, 19:00

Re: PJSIP, избитый NAT и MCN

Сообщение ded »

Вот, собственно, сама проблема:
Asterisk 22.1.1 built by root @ on a amd64 running FreeBSD on 2025-02-01
Я уважаю принципиальность и приверженность к идеалам ранней юности. Мы сами плотно сидели на FreeBSD в 2004 году, делая интереснейшие вещи на ней. Но сегодня оставаться на FreeBSD - всё равно что себя плетью избивать.
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-07 21:58:48.8q] DEBUG[102433] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
нет RTP - номеров портов аудио при установлении соединения.
Должно быть так:
*CLI> module show like rtp
Module Description Use Count Status Support Level Native RTP bridging module 0 Running core RTP Media Channel 0 Running core Asterisk RTP Stack 0 Running core Multicast RTP Engine 0 Running core Secure RTP (SRTP) 0 Running core
CLI> rtp set debug on

SIP ALG @ Mikrotik
Петров Р
Сообщения: 12
Зарегистрирован: 07 фев 2025, 20:31

Re: PJSIP, избитый NAT и MCN

Сообщение Петров Р »

Уважаемый Ded! Добрый день и огромное спасибо за ответ!

На микроте убрал для SIP ALG - direct media, и в конфиге транспорта отключил external_media_*

Код: Выделить всё

type        = transport
protocol    = udp
bind        =
local_net   =
; external_media_address      =
; external_signaling_address  =
Теперь удалённая сторона меня слышит - я же (ТА - 101) по прежнему не слышу. Локальных клиентов (в одной подсети с asterisk'ом) пока не тестировал, и нет такой возможности, пока удалённого только могу отлаживать.

После внесения твоих правок, совершил звонок с включенным дебагом rtp. Совсем однообразные строчки убрал, т.к. тут ограничение, подскажи пожалуйста, что ещё подкрутить, чтобы я услышал.
* Звонок с PJSIP/101 на 89991234567
* - сервер MCN
* 81111111111 - номер выданный мне MCN
* - серый адрес за НАТ'ом, телефона на котором linphone
* - белый адрес роутера за которым телефон с linphone
Так вот этот звонок я результат MixMonitor'а послушал - там и я есть и удалённая сторона. Но в трубке у меня тишина.
На микроте порты udp/10000-11000 на asterisk проброшены. Только в этом rtp дебаге сторона астериска (ни серый, ни белый - не участвуют), поэтому ниже ещё выложу часть из debug.log этого звонка.
Ещё раз спасибо за конструктивную помощь!

Код: Выделить всё

[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] WARNING[109277]: res_pjsip_pubsub.c:3420 pubsub_on_rx_publish_request: No registered publish handler for event presence from 101
    -- Executing [89991234567@mcn-out:1] Set("PJSIP/101-00000006", "CALLERID(all)=81111111111") in new stack
    -- Executing [89991234567@mcn-out:2] MixMonitor("PJSIP/101-00000006", "/var/lib/asterisk/call_.wav") in new stack
    -- Executing [89991234567@mcn-out:3] Dial("PJSIP/101-00000006", "PJSIP/89991234567@MCN_81111111111_endpoint") in new stack
  == Begin MixMonitor Recording PJSIP/101-00000006
    -- Called PJSIP/89991234567@MCN_81111111111_endpoint
       > 0x1cbc3c097000 -- Strict RTP learning after remote address set to:
    -- PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 answered PJSIP/101-00000006
       > 0x1cbc3c094000 -- Strict RTP learning after remote address set to:
    -- Channel PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149>
    -- Channel PJSIP/101-00000006 joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149>
       > 0x1cbc3c097000 -- Strict RTP switching to RTP target address as source
Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025093, ts 000480, len 000160)
Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048791, ts 000480, len 000160)
Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025094, ts 000640, len 000160)
Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048792, ts 000640, len 000160)
Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025095, ts 000800, len 000160)
Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048793, ts 000800, len 000160)
Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025096, ts 000960, len 000160)
Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048794, ts 000960, len 000160)
Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025117, ts 004320, len 000160)
Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025124, ts 005440, len 000160)
Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048822, ts 005440, len 000160)
       > 0x1cbc3c094000 -- Strict RTP qualifying stream type: audio
Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025125, ts 005600, len 000160)
Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025129, ts 006240, len 000160)
Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048827, ts 006240, len 000160)
       > 0x1cbc3c094000 -- Strict RTP switching source address to
Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 000007, ts 1967429647, len 000160)
Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 041596, ts 1967429640, len 000160)
Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 041600, ts 1967430280, len 000160)
Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 000012, ts 1967430447, len 000160)

Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 041663, ts 1967440360, len 000160)
Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025196, ts 016960, len 000160)
Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048894, ts 016960, len 000160)
Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025197, ts 017120, len 000160)
Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025204, ts 018240, len 000160)
Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048902, ts 018240, len 000160)
Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025205, ts 018400, len 000160)
Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048903, ts 018400, len 000160)
Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 000082, ts 1967441647, len 000160)
Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 000083, ts 1967441807, len 000160)
Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 041671, ts 1967441640, len 000160)
Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 041672, ts 1967441800, len 000160)
Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 000084, ts 1967441967, len 000160)
Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 041673, ts 1967441960, len 000160)
Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025206, ts 018560, len 000160)
Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048904, ts 018560, len 000160)
    -- Channel PJSIP/101-00000006 left 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149>
  == Spawn extension (mcn-out, 89991234567, 3) exited non-zero on 'PJSIP/101-00000006'
    -- Channel PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 left 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149>
  == MixMonitor close filestream (mixed)
  == End MixMonitor Recording PJSIP/101-00000006

Код: Выделить всё

[2025-02-09 04:16:10.8q] DEBUG[103296] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Woke up at 1739063770  Interval: 30
[2025-02-09 04:16:10.8q] DEBUG[103296] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Expiring 0 contacts
[2025-02-09 16:10:05.8q] DEBUG[109194] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Woke up at 1739106605  Interval: 30
[2025-02-09 16:10:05.8q] DEBUG[109194] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Expiring 0 contacts
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Could not find matching transaction for Request msg PUBLISH/cseq=20 (rdata0x1cbc3b0329a8)
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Calculated serializer pjsip/distributor-0000002f to use for Request msg PUBLISH/cseq=20 (rdata0x1cbc3b0329a8)
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109180] threadpool.c: Increasing threadpool pjsip/pool's size by 5
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: Source address does not match identify 'MCN_81111111111_ident'
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Attempting identify by From username '101' domain ''
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Identified by From username '101' domain ''
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Using default realm 'asterisk' on incoming auth '101-iauth'.
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Realm: asterisk  Username: 101  Result: NOAUTH
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Could not find matching transaction for Request msg PUBLISH/cseq=21 (rdata0x1cbc3b032ca8)
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Calculated serializer pjsip/distributor-0000002f to use for Request msg PUBLISH/cseq=21 (rdata0x1cbc3b032ca8)
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: Source address does not match identify 'MCN_81111111111_ident'
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Attempting identify by From username '101' domain ''
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Identified by From username '101' domain ''
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Using default realm 'asterisk' on incoming auth '101-iauth'.
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1739106614/669563b5b725c503cfa44c8745f6cf2d. Actual nonce is 1739106614/669563b5b725c503cfa44c8745f6cf2d
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Realm: asterisk  Username: 101  Result: SUCCESS
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_pubsub.c: Event presence does not match asterisk-devicestate
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_pubsub.c: Event presence does not match asterisk-mwi
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] WARNING[109277] res_pjsip_pubsub.c: No registered publish handler for event presence from 101
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:14.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Could not find matching transaction for Request msg INVITE/cseq=20 (rdata0x1cbc3b032568)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Calculated serializer pjsip/distributor-00000022 to use for Request msg INVITE/cseq=20 (rdata0x1cbc3b032568)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: Source address does not match identify 'MCN_81111111111_ident'
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Attempting identify by From username '101' domain ''
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Identified by From username '101' domain ''
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Using default realm 'asterisk' on incoming auth '101-iauth'.
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Realm: asterisk  Username: 101  Result: NOAUTH
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Could not find matching transaction for Request msg ACK/cseq=20 (rdata0x1cbc3b032fe8)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Calculated serializer pjsip/distributor-00000022 to use for Request msg ACK/cseq=20 (rdata0x1cbc3b032fe8)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: Source address does not match identify 'MCN_81111111111_ident'
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Attempting identify by From username '101' domain ''
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Identified by From username '101' domain ''
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Could not find matching transaction for Request msg INVITE/cseq=21 (rdata0x1cbc3b032928)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Calculated serializer pjsip/distributor-00000022 to use for Request msg INVITE/cseq=21 (rdata0x1cbc3b032928)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: Source address does not match identify 'MCN_81111111111_ident'
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Attempting identify by From username '101' domain ''
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Identified by From username '101' domain ''
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Using default realm 'asterisk' on incoming auth '101-iauth'.
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Calculated nonce 1739106615/9da8955ce0fca7fa4911ca052e2a30f8. Actual nonce is 1739106615/9da8955ce0fca7fa4911ca052e2a30f8
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_authenticator_digest.c: Realm: asterisk  Username: 101  Result: SUCCESS
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  (null session) Request: INVITE 
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Request: 
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Calculated serializer pjsip/distributor-00000022 to use for Request msg INVITE/cseq=21 (rdata0x1cbc3b0676e8)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  101
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  Direct media no glare mitigation
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  101
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Call (UDP: to extension '89991234567' sending 100 Trying
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Method is INVITE, Response is 100 Trying
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session/pjsip_session_reason_header.c:  101: Response Code: 100
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session/pjsip_session_reason_header.c:  101: RC 100 not eligible for Reason header
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  101
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  101 Event: TSX_STATE  Inv State: INCOMING
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '101()'
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x1cbc3b83f0a8)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: There is no transaction involved in this state change
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is INCOMING
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: 101: Source of transaction state change is TX_MSG
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  101 TSX State: Proceeding  Inv State: INCOMING
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_transaction *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '101()'
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x1cbc3b83f0a8)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAS INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x1cbc3b83f0a8
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Proceeding
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TX_MSG
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is INCOMING
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Nothing delayed
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  101 TSX State: Proceeding  Inv State: INCOMING
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Topology: Pending: (null topology)  Active: (null topology)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Media count: 1
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] stream.c:  Topology Create
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] stream.c:  Created: 0x1cbc3c03e758
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Processing stream 0
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Using audio-0 for new stream name
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Using new stream 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (nothing)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  101 Adding position 0
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Creating new media session
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Setting media session as default for audio
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Done
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Negotiating incoming SDP media stream 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (nothing) using audio SDP handler
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  101
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c: Transport transport-udp bound to Using it for RTP media.
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Using engine 'asterisk' for RTP instance '0x1cbc3c08d020'
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d020) RTP allocated port 10216
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d020) ICE creating session (10216)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d020) ICE create
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d020) ICE add system candidates
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d020) ICE add candidate:, 2130706431
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d020) ICE add candidate:, 2130706431
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: RTP instance '0x1cbc3c08d020' is setup and ready to go
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d020) ICE stopped
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] acl.c: Attached to given IP address
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: () RTCP setup on RTP instance
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  101
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  101
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 0 based on m type on 0x8d55f0950
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 8 based on m type on 0x8d55f0950
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 18 based on m type on 0x8d55f0950
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session/pjsip_session_caps.c: '101' Caps for incoming audio call with pref 'local' - remote: (opus|speex16|speex|ulaw|alaw|g729) local: (alaw|ulaw) joint: (alaw|ulaw)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Crossover copying tx to rx payload mapping 0 (0x1cbc39e5fdb8) from 0x8d55f0950 to 0x8d55f0950
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Crossover copying tx to rx payload mapping 8 (0x1cbc39e5ff98) from 0x8d55f0950 to 0x8d55f0950
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Crossover copying tx to rx payload mapping 18 (0x1cbc39e601c8) from 0x8d55f0950 to 0x8d55f0950
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Crossover copying tx to rx payload mapping 96 (0x1cbc3c014008) from 0x8d55f0950 to 0x8d55f0950
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Crossover copying tx to rx payload mapping 97 (0x1cbc3c014058) from 0x8d55f0950 to 0x8d55f0950
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Crossover copying tx to rx payload mapping 98 (0x1cbc3c0140a8) from 0x8d55f0950 to 0x8d55f0950
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Crossover copying tx to rx payload mapping 99 (0x1cbc3c0140f8) from 0x8d55f0950 to 0x8d55f0950
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Crossover copying tx to rx payload mapping 100 (0x1cbc3c014148) from 0x8d55f0950 to 0x8d55f0950
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Crossover copying tx to rx payload mapping 101 (0x1cbc3c013fb8) from 0x8d55f0950 to 0x8d55f0950
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Copying rx payload mapping 0 (0x1cbc39e5fdb8) from 0x8d55f0950 to 0x1cbc3c08d1f8
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Copying rx payload mapping 8 (0x1cbc39e5ff98) from 0x8d55f0950 to 0x1cbc3c08d1f8
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Copying rx payload mapping 18 (0x1cbc39e601c8) from 0x8d55f0950 to 0x1cbc3c08d1f8
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Copying rx payload mapping 96 (0x1cbc3c014008) from 0x8d55f0950 to 0x1cbc3c08d1f8
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Copying rx payload mapping 97 (0x1cbc3c014058) from 0x8d55f0950 to 0x1cbc3c08d1f8
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Copying rx payload mapping 98 (0x1cbc3c0140a8) from 0x8d55f0950 to 0x1cbc3c08d1f8
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Copying rx payload mapping 99 (0x1cbc3c013f68) from 0x8d55f0950 to 0x1cbc3c08d1f8
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Copying rx payload mapping 100 (0x1cbc3c014238) from 0x8d55f0950 to 0x1cbc3c08d1f8
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Copying rx payload mapping 101 (0x1cbc3c013fb8) from 0x8d55f0950 to 0x1cbc3c08d1f8
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 0 (0x1cbc39e5fdb8) from 0x8d55f0950 to 0x1cbc3c08d1f8
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 8 (0x1cbc39e5ff98) from 0x8d55f0950 to 0x1cbc3c08d1f8
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 18 (0x1cbc39e601c8) from 0x8d55f0950 to 0x1cbc3c08d1f8
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 96 (0x1cbc3c014008) from 0x8d55f0950 to 0x1cbc3c08d1f8
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 97 (0x1cbc3c014058) from 0x8d55f0950 to 0x1cbc3c08d1f8
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 98 (0x1cbc3c0140a8) from 0x8d55f0950 to 0x1cbc3c08d1f8
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 99 (0x1cbc3c0140f8) from 0x8d55f0950 to 0x1cbc3c08d1f8
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 100 (0x1cbc3c014148) from 0x8d55f0950 to 0x1cbc3c08d1f8
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 101 (0x1cbc3c013fb8) from 0x8d55f0950 to 0x1cbc3c08d1f8
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Media stream 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw) handled by audio
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Done with stream 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Handled? yes
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  101
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Processing streams
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Processing stream 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  101 Adding position 0
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Using existing media_session
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  101 Stream: 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  101 Type: audio 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d020) RTCP ignoring duplicate property
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  RC: 1
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Had handler
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Stream 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw) added
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Done with 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Adding bundle groups (if available)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Copying connection details
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Processing media 0
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Media 0 reset
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  101
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  101: Method is INVITE
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  101
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  101
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] channel_internal_api.c:  <initializing>: Formats: (none)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] channel_internal_api.c:  Channel is being initialized or destroyed
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] stream.c:  Topology Create
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] stream.c:  Created: 0x1cbc3c03e898
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] stasis.c: Creating topic. name: channel:1739106615.6, detail: 
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] stasis.c: Topic 'channel:1739106615.6': 0x1cbc3c173090 created
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] channel.c: Channel 0x1cbc3c0b2020 'PJSIP/101-00000006' allocated
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  Topology:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)> Formats: (alaw|ulaw)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  Compatible? yes
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] stream.c:  Topology Create
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] stream.c:  Created: 0x1cbc3c03e918
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] channel_internal_api.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006: MultistreamFormats: (alaw|ulaw)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] channel_internal_api.c:  Set native formats but not topology
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] channel_internal_api.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)>
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] stream.c:  Topology: 0x1cbc3c03e898: 
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] stream.c:  Destroyed: 0x1cbc3c03e898
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] channel_internal_api.c:  Used provided topology
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c: Started PBX on new PJSIP channel PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  RC: 0
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Request:  Session: PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  (null session) Handled request INVITE  ? yes
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109157] threadpool.c: Increasing threadpool stasis/pool's size by 1
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] pbx.c: Launching 'Set'
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] pbx.c: Executing [89991234567@mcn-out:1] Set("PJSIP/101-00000006", "CALLERID(all)=81111111111") in new stack
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'CALLID' is NULL
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] pbx.c: Launching 'MixMonitor'
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] pbx.c: Executing [89991234567@mcn-out:2] MixMonitor("PJSIP/101-00000006", "/var/lib/asterisk/call_.wav") in new stack
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] autochan.c: Created autochan 0x1cbc3b811210 to hold channel PJSIP/101-00000006 (0x1cbc3c0b2020)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] pbx_variables.c: Result of 'EXTEN' is '89991234567'
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] pbx.c: Launching 'Dial'
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] pbx.c: Executing [89991234567@mcn-out:3] Dial("PJSIP/101-00000006", "PJSIP/89991234567@MCN_81111111111_endpoint") in new stack
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] app_dial.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006: Data: PJSIP/89991234567@MCN_81111111111_endpoint
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] stream.c:  Topology Create
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] stream.c:  Created: 0x1cbc3b840498
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  89991234567@MCN_81111111111_endpoint Topology:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)>
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  89991234567@MCN_81111111111_endpoint
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  MCN_81111111111_endpoint 89991234567 Topology:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)>
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  MCN_81111111111_endpoint
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  Direct media no glare mitigation
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session/pjsip_session_caps.c: 'MCN_81111111111_endpoint' Caps for outgoing audio call with pref 'remote_merge' - remote: (alaw|ulaw) local: (alaw|ulaw|g729) joint: (alaw|ulaw|g729)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] stream.c:  Topology Create
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] stream.c:  Created: 0x1cbc3c03ea18
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  MCN_81111111111_endpoint
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] channel_internal_api.c:  <initializing>: Formats: (none)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] channel_internal_api.c:  Channel is being initialized or destroyed
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] stream.c:  Topology Create
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] stream.c:  Created: 0x1cbc3b840658
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] stasis.c: Creating topic. name: channel:1739106615.7, detail: 
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] stasis.c: Topic 'channel:1739106615.7': 0x1cbc3b851410 created
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] channel.c: Channel 0x1cbc3b868020 'PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007' allocated
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  Topology:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw|g729)> Formats: (alaw|ulaw|g729)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  Compatible? yes
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] stream.c:  Topology Create
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] stream.c:  Created: 0x1cbc3b8406d8
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] channel_internal_api.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: MultistreamFormats: (alaw|ulaw|g729)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] channel_internal_api.c:  Set native formats but not topology
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] channel_internal_api.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw|g729)>
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] stream.c:  Topology: 0x1cbc3b840658: 
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] stream.c:  Destroyed: 0x1cbc3b840658
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] channel_internal_api.c:  Used provided topology
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  Channel: PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] stream.c:  Topology: 0x1cbc3b840498:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)>
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] stream.c:  Destroyed: 0x1cbc3b840498
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 Topology:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw|g729)>
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  'call' task pushed
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] VERBOSE[109284][C-00000004] app_mixmonitor.c: Begin MixMonitor Recording PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] app_dial.c: Called PJSIP/89991234567@MCN_81111111111_endpoint
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] app_dial.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 setting read format path: alaw -> alaw
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/101-00000006 setting write format path: alaw -> alaw
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/101-00000006 setting read format path: alaw -> alaw
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 setting write format path: alaw -> alaw
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 Topology:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw|g729)>
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Processing streams
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Processing stream 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw|g729)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 Adding position 0
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Creating new media session
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Setting media session as default for audio
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Done
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 Stream: 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw|g729)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 Type: audio 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw|g729)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c: Transport transport-udp bound to Using it for RTP media.
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Using engine 'asterisk' for RTP instance '0x1cbc3c08d3a0'
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d3a0) RTP allocated port 10348
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d3a0) ICE creating session (10348)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d3a0) ICE create
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d3a0) ICE add system candidates
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d3a0) ICE add candidate:, 2130706431
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d3a0) ICE add candidate:, 2130706431
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: RTP instance '0x1cbc3c08d3a0' is setup and ready to go
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d3a0) ICE stopped
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] acl.c: Attached to given IP address
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: () RTCP setup on RTP instance
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  RC: 1
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Handled
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Stream 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw|g729) added
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Done with 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw|g729)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Adding bundle groups (if available)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Copying connection details
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Processing media 0
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Media 0 reset
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Method is INVITE
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: Performing SIP DNS resolution of target ''
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: Transport type for target '' is 'UDP transport'
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x1cbc3c17ac18] Created resolution tracking for target ''
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x1cbc3c17ac18] Added target '' with record type '1', transport 'UDP transport', and port '5060'
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x1cbc3c17ac18] Starting initial resolution using parallel queries for target ''
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 Event: TSX_STATE  Inv State: CALLING
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'MCN_81111111111_endpoint(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007)'
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x1cbc3b4670a8)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: There is no transaction involved in this state change
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CALLING
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Source of transaction state change is TX_MSG
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 TSX State: Calling  Inv State: CALLING
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_transaction *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'MCN_81111111111_endpoint(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007)'
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x1cbc3b4670a8)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x1cbc3b4670a8
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Calling
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TX_MSG
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CALLING
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Nothing delayed
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 TSX State: Calling  Inv State: CALLING
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Topology: Pending:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw|g729)>  Active: (null topology)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  RC: 0
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006: Indicated Connected line update
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109171] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x1cbc3c17ac18] All parallel queries completed
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109171] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x1cbc3c17ac18] A record received on target ''
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109171] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x1cbc3c17ac18] Resolution completed - 1 viable targets
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x1cbc3c17ac18] Address '0' is with transport 'UDP transport'
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: [0x1cbc3c17ac18] Invoking user callback with '1' addresses
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_filter.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to (this may be re-written again later)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Searching for serializer associated with dialog dlg0x1cbc3b4100a8 for Response msg 100/INVITE/cseq=26021 (rdata0x1cbc3b032268)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/outsess/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-0000005a associated with dialog dlg0x1cbc3b4100a8
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 Method: INVITE Status: 100
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 TSX State: Proceeding  Inv State: CALLING
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_transaction *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'MCN_81111111111_endpoint(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007)'
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x1cbc3b4670a8)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x1cbc3b4670a8
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Proceeding
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is RX_MSG
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CALLING
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Response is 100 Trying
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Status: 100
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Not queueing anything
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Status: 100
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Nothing delayed
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 TSX State: Proceeding  Inv State: CALLING
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Topology: Pending:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw|g729)>  Active: (null topology)
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006: Indicated Private Cause Code
[2025-02-09 16:10:15.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Searching for serializer associated with dialog dlg0x1cbc3b4100a8 for Response msg 401/INVITE/cseq=26021 (rdata0x1cbc3b0322a8)
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/outsess/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-0000005a associated with dialog dlg0x1cbc3b4100a8
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Initial INVITE is being challenged.
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_outbound_authenticator_digest.c: Searching auths to find matching ones for header with realm 'mcn' and algorithm 'MD5'
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_outbound_authenticator_digest.c: Found wildcard auth 'MCN_81111111111_auth' for realm 'mcn'
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_outbound_authenticator_digest.c: Using wildcard auth 'MCN_81111111111_auth' for realm 'mcn'
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_outbound_authenticator_digest.c: Set 1 credentials in auth session
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Method is INVITE
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_filter.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to (this may be re-written again later)
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 TSX State: Calling  Inv State: CALLING
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_transaction *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'MCN_81111111111_endpoint(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007)'
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x1cbc3b4090a8)
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x1cbc3b4090a8
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Calling
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TX_MSG
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CALLING
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Nothing delayed
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 TSX State: Calling  Inv State: CALLING
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Topology: Pending:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw|g729)>  Active: (null topology)
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 TSX State: Completed  Inv State: CALLING
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_transaction *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'MCN_81111111111_endpoint(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007)'
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x1cbc3b4090a8)
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x1cbc3b4670a8
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Completed
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is RX_MSG
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CALLING
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Response is 401 Unauthorized
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Status: 401
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Not queueing anything
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Status: 401
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Nothing delayed
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 TSX State: Completed  Inv State: CALLING
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Topology: Pending:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw|g729)>  Active: (null topology)
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006: Indicated Private Cause Code
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Searching for serializer associated with dialog dlg0x1cbc3b4100a8 for Response msg 100/INVITE/cseq=26022 (rdata0x1cbc3b0326e8)
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/outsess/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-0000005a associated with dialog dlg0x1cbc3b4100a8
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 Method: INVITE Status: 100
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 TSX State: Proceeding  Inv State: CALLING
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_transaction *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'MCN_81111111111_endpoint(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007)'
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x1cbc3b4090a8)
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x1cbc3b4090a8
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Proceeding
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is RX_MSG
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CALLING
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Response is 100 Trying
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Status: 100
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Not queueing anything
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Status: 100
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Nothing delayed
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 TSX State: Proceeding  Inv State: CALLING
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Topology: Pending:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw|g729)>  Active: (null topology)
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006: Indicated Private Cause Code
[2025-02-09 16:10:16.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006
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Петров Р
Сообщения: 12
Зарегистрирован: 07 фев 2025, 20:31

Re: PJSIP, избитый NAT и MCN

Сообщение Петров Р »

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[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Searching for serializer associated with dialog dlg0x1cbc3b4100a8 for Response msg 200/INVITE/cseq=26022 (rdata0x1cbc3b032728)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/outsess/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-0000005a associated with dialog dlg0x1cbc3b4100a8
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 Method: INVITE Status: 200
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 Event: TSX_STATE  Inv State: CONNECTING
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'MCN_81111111111_endpoint(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007)'
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x1cbc3b4090a8)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: There is no transaction involved in this state change
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONNECTING
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Source of transaction state change is RX_MSG
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Received response
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Response is 200 OK
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Status: 200
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Applying negotiated SDP media stream 'audio' using audio SDP handler
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 Stream: 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw|g729)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d3a0) RTCP ignoring duplicate property
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] acl.c: For destination '', our source address is ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d3a0) RTCP setting address on RTP instance
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] VERBOSE[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x1cbc3c097000 -- Strict RTP learning after remote address set to:
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 ANSWER
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 8 based on m type on 0x8d55f0040
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 18 based on m type on 0x8d55f0040
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 8 (0x1cbc3c014d78) from 0x8d55f0040 to 0x1cbc3c08d578
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 18 (0x1cbc3c014e18) from 0x8d55f0040 to 0x1cbc3c08d578
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 101 (0x1cbc3c014dc8) from 0x8d55f0040 to 0x1cbc3c08d578
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] channel_internal_api.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: MultistreamFormats: (alaw)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] channel_internal_api.c:  Set native formats but not topology
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 setting read format path: alaw -> alaw
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 setting write format path: alaw -> alaw
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d3a0) DTLS - ast_rtp_activate rtp=0x1cbc3c097000 - setup and perform DTLS'
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c097000) DTLS perform handshake - ssl = 0x0, setup = 0
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c097000) DTLS perform handshake - ssl = 0x0, setup = 0
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  Handled
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Applied negotiated SDP media stream 'audio' using audio SDP handler
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Applied negotiated SDP media stream 'audio' using audio SDP handler
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] stream.c:  Topology Create
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] stream.c:  Created: 0x1cbc3c03ea58
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] channel_internal_api.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|g729)>
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] stream.c:  Topology: 0x1cbc3b8406d8:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw|g729)>
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] stream.c:  Destroyed: 0x1cbc3b8406d8
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] channel_internal_api.c:  Used provided topology
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: Performing SIP DNS resolution of target ''
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: Transport type for target '' is 'UDP transport'
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: Target '' is an IP address, skipping resolution
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 Event: TX_MSG  Inv State: CONFIRMED
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_event *) called on event TX_MSG
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'MCN_81111111111_endpoint(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007)'
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x1cbc3b4090a8)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: There is no transaction involved in this state change
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONFIRMED
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 TSX State: Terminated  Inv State: CONFIRMED
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_transaction *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'MCN_81111111111_endpoint(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007)'
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x1cbc3b4090a8
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Terminated
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is RX_MSG
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONFIRMED
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Response is 200 OK
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Status: 200
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Queueing ANSWER
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Status: 200
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Nothing delayed
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 TSX State: Terminated  Inv State: CONFIRMED
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Topology: Pending: (null topology)  Active:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|g729)>
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006: Indicated Private Cause Code
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] app_dial.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 answered PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] app_dial.c: PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 answered PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] app_dial.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006: Answered by PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 setting read format path: alaw -> alaw
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/101-00000006 setting write format path: alaw -> alaw
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/101-00000006 setting read format path: alaw -> alaw
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 setting write format path: alaw -> alaw
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] features.c: Answering channel for bridge: PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109169] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for PJSIP - MCN_81111111111_endpoint
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109169] devicestate.c: Changing state for PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint - state 2 (In use)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109169] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for PJSIP - 101
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109169] devicestate.c: Changing state for PJSIP/101 - state 2 (In use)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109157] threadpool.c: Increasing threadpool stasis/pool's size by 1
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: PJSIP/101-00000006: Applying negotiated SDP media stream 'audio' using audio SDP handler
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006 Stream: 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d020) RTCP ignoring duplicate property
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] acl.c: For destination '', our source address is ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d020) RTCP setting address on RTP instance
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] VERBOSE[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x1cbc3c094000 -- Strict RTP learning after remote address set to:
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006 ANSWER
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 0 based on m type on 0x8d55f0270
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 8 based on m type on 0x8d55f0270
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 18 based on m type on 0x8d55f0270
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 0 (0x1cbc39e5fdb8) from 0x8d55f0270 to 0x1cbc3c08d1f8
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 8 (0x1cbc39e5ff98) from 0x8d55f0270 to 0x1cbc3c08d1f8
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 18 (0x1cbc39e601c8) from 0x8d55f0270 to 0x1cbc3c08d1f8
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 96 (0x1cbc3c014eb8) from 0x8d55f0270 to 0x1cbc3c08d1f8
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 97 (0x1cbc3c014f08) from 0x8d55f0270 to 0x1cbc3c08d1f8
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 98 (0x1cbc3c0159f8) from 0x8d55f0270 to 0x1cbc3c08d1f8
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 99 (0x1cbc3c015a48) from 0x8d55f0270 to 0x1cbc3c08d1f8
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 100 (0x1cbc3c015a98) from 0x8d55f0270 to 0x1cbc3c08d1f8
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Copying tx payload mapping 101 (0x1cbc3c014e68) from 0x8d55f0270 to 0x1cbc3c08d1f8
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] channel_internal_api.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006: MultistreamFormats: (alaw)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] channel_internal_api.c:  Set native formats but not topology
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/101-00000006 setting read format path: alaw -> alaw
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/101-00000006 setting write format path: alaw -> alaw
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d020) DTLS - ast_rtp_activate rtp=0x1cbc3c094000 - setup and perform DTLS'
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c094000) DTLS perform handshake - ssl = 0x0, setup = 0
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c094000) DTLS perform handshake - ssl = 0x0, setup = 0
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c:  Handled
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: PJSIP/101-00000006: Applied negotiated SDP media stream 'audio' using audio SDP handler
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006: Applied negotiated SDP media stream 'audio' using audio SDP handler
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] stream.c:  Topology Create
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] stream.c:  Created: 0x1cbc3b8406d8
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] channel_internal_api.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)>
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] stream.c:  Topology: 0x1cbc3c03e918:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)>
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] stream.c:  Destroyed: 0x1cbc3c03e918
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] channel_internal_api.c:  Used provided topology
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006: Method is INVITE, Response is 200 OK
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session/pjsip_session_reason_header.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006: Response Code: 200
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session/pjsip_session_reason_header.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006: No datastore on session.  Nothing to do
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_filter.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to (this may be re-written again later)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006 Event: TSX_STATE  Inv State: CONNECTING
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '101(PJSIP/101-00000006)'
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x1cbc3b83f0a8)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: There is no transaction involved in this state change
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONNECTING
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: PJSIP/101-00000006: Source of transaction state change is TX_MSG
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006 TSX State: Completed  Inv State: CONNECTING
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_transaction *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '101(PJSIP/101-00000006)'
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session still has an invite_tsx (0x1cbc3b83f0a8)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAS INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x1cbc3b83f0a8
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Completed
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TX_MSG
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONNECTING
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Nothing delayed
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006 TSX State: Completed  Inv State: CONNECTING
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Topology: Pending: (null topology)  Active:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)>
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006: Indicated Stop generators
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] stasis.c: Creating topic. name: bridge:all/bridge:d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149, detail: 
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] stasis.c: Topic 'bridge:all/bridge:d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149': 0x1cbc3b851aa0 created
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] bridge_native_rtp.c: Bridge 'd11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149' can not use native RTP bridge as two channels are required
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] bridge.c: Bridge technology native_rtp is not compatible with properties of existing bridge.
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] bridge.c: Bridge technology holding_bridge does not have any capabilities we want.
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] bridge.c: Bridge technology softmix has less preference than simple_bridge (10 <= 50). Skipping.
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] bridge.c: Chose bridge technology simple_bridge
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] bridge.c: Bridge d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149: calling simple_bridge technology constructor
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] bridge.c: Bridge d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149: calling simple_bridge technology start
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] stasis_bridges.c: Update: 0x1cbc3b812b48  Old: <none>  New: d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] stasis_bridges.c: Update: 0x1cbc3b812b48  Old: <none>  New: d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] bridge_channel.c: Bridge d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149: 0x1cbc3b81e320(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007) is joining
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] bridge_channel.c: Bridge d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149: pushing 0x1cbc3b81e320(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] bridge_channel.c: Channel PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149>
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] stasis_bridges.c: Update: 0x1cbc3ec99258  Old: d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149  New: d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] stasis_bridges.c: Update: 0x1cbc3ec99258  Old: d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149  New: d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] bridge_native_rtp.c: Bridge 'd11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149' can not use native RTP bridge as two channels are required
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] bridge.c: Bridge technology native_rtp is not compatible with properties of existing bridge.
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] bridge.c: Bridge technology holding_bridge does not have any capabilities we want.
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] bridge.c: Bridge technology softmix does not have any capabilities we want.
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] bridge.c: Chose bridge technology simple_bridge
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] bridge.c: Bridge d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149 is already using the new technology.
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] bridge.c: Bridge d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149: 0x1cbc3b81e320(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007) is joining simple_bridge technology
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] stasis_bridges.c: Update: 0x1cbc3ec9a3c8  Old: d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149  New: d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] stasis_bridges.c: Update: 0x1cbc3ec9a3c8  Old: d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149  New: d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Indicated Media SSRC change
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] bridge_channel.c: Bridge d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149: 0x1cbc3b81e4a0(PJSIP/101-00000006) is joining
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] bridge_channel.c: Bridge d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149: pushing 0x1cbc3b81e4a0(PJSIP/101-00000006)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] bridge_channel.c: Channel PJSIP/101-00000006 joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149>
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] stasis_bridges.c: Update: 0x1cbc3b812ea8  Old: d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149  New: d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] stasis_bridges.c: Update: 0x1cbc3b812ea8  Old: d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149  New: d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] bridge_native_rtp.c: Bridge 'd11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149'.  Checking compatability for channels 'PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007' and 'PJSIP/101-00000006'
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] bridge_native_rtp.c: Bridge 'd11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149' can not use native RTP bridge as channel 'PJSIP/101-00000006' has features which prevent it
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] bridge.c: Bridge technology native_rtp is not compatible with properties of existing bridge.
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] bridge.c: Bridge technology holding_bridge does not have any capabilities we want.
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] bridge.c: Bridge technology softmix does not have any capabilities we want.
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] bridge.c: Chose bridge technology simple_bridge
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] bridge.c: Bridge d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149 is already using the new technology.
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] bridge.c: Bridge d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149: 0x1cbc3b81e4a0(PJSIP/101-00000006) is joining simple_bridge technology
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/101-00000006 setting read format path: alaw -> alaw
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 setting write format path: alaw -> alaw
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 setting read format path: alaw -> alaw
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] channel.c: Channel PJSIP/101-00000006 setting write format path: alaw -> alaw
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] stream.c:  Topology Create
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] stream.c:  Created: 0x1cbc3b8409d8
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] bridge_simple.c: PJSIP/101-00000006: Topologies already match. Current:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)>  Requested:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)>
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] stream.c:  Topology: 0x1cbc3b8409d8:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)>
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] stream.c:  Destroyed: 0x1cbc3b8409d8
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] stream.c:  Topology Create
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] stream.c:  Created: 0x1cbc3b8409d8
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] channel.c: PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Topologies already match. Current:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|g729)>  Requested:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|g729)>
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] stream.c:  Topology: 0x1cbc3b8409d8:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|g729)>
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] stream.c:  Destroyed: 0x1cbc3b8409d8
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] stasis_bridges.c: Update: 0x1cbc3b813718  Old: d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149  New: d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] stasis_bridges.c: Update: 0x1cbc3b813718  Old: d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149  New: d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006: Indicated Media SSRC change
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x1cbc3c097000 -- Strict RTP switching to RTP target address as source
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025093, ts 000480, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: Seed ts: 480 current time: 1739106617.788107
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (1739106615.6) RTP ooh, format changed from none to alaw
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (1739106615.6) RTCP starting transmission in 5000 ms
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048791, ts 000480, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025094, ts 000640, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: Packet 2 < 15.  Ignoring
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048792, ts 000640, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025095, ts 000800, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: Packet 3 < 15.  Ignoring
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048793, ts 000800, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025096, ts 000960, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: Packet 4 < 15.  Ignoring
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048794, ts 000960, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025097, ts 001120, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: Packet 5 < 15.  Ignoring
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048795, ts 001120, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025098, ts 001280, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: Packet 6 < 15.  Ignoring
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048796, ts 001280, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025099, ts 001440, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: Packet 7 < 15.  Ignoring
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048797, ts 001440, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025100, ts 001600, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: Packet 8 < 15.  Ignoring
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048798, ts 001600, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025101, ts 001760, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: Packet 9 < 15.  Ignoring
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048799, ts 001760, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025102, ts 001920, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: Packet 10 < 15.  Ignoring
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048800, ts 001920, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025103, ts 002080, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: Packet 11 < 15.  Ignoring
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048801, ts 002080, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025104, ts 002240, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: Packet 12 < 15.  Ignoring
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048802, ts 002240, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025105, ts 002400, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: Packet 13 < 15.  Ignoring
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048803, ts 002400, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025106, ts 002560, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: Packet 14 < 15.  Ignoring
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048804, ts 002560, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025107, ts 002720, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: pkt:    15 Stable Seed ts: 2720 current time: 1739106618.068299
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048805, ts 002720, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025108, ts 002880, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: pkt:    16 Arrival sec:   0.020  Arrival ts:        161  RX ts:       2880 Transit samp:  -2719 Last transit samp:  -2720 d:    1 Curr jitter:       0(  0.000) Prev Jitter:       0(  0.000) New Jitter:       0(  0.000)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048806, ts 002880, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025109, ts 003040, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: pkt:    17 Arrival sec:   0.040  Arrival ts:        318  RX ts:       3040 Transit samp:  -2722 Last transit samp:  -2719 d:    3 Curr jitter:       0(  0.000) Prev Jitter:       0(  0.000) New Jitter:       0(  0.000)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048807, ts 003040, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025110, ts 003200, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: pkt:    18 Arrival sec:   0.063  Arrival ts:        502  RX ts:       3200 Transit samp:  -2698 Last transit samp:  -2722 d:   24 Curr jitter:       1(  0.000) Prev Jitter:       0(  0.000) New Jitter:       2(  0.000)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048808, ts 003200, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025111, ts 003360, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: pkt:    19 Arrival sec:   0.080  Arrival ts:        639  RX ts:       3360 Transit samp:  -2721 Last transit samp:  -2698 d:   23 Curr jitter:       1(  0.000) Prev Jitter:       2(  0.000) New Jitter:       3(  0.000)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048809, ts 003360, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025112, ts 003520, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: pkt:    20 Arrival sec:   0.100  Arrival ts:        801  RX ts:       3520 Transit samp:  -2719 Last transit samp:  -2721 d:    2 Curr jitter:      -0(  0.000) Prev Jitter:       3(  0.000) New Jitter:       3(  0.000)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048810, ts 003520, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025113, ts 003680, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: pkt:    21 Arrival sec:   0.121  Arrival ts:        964  RX ts:       3680 Transit samp:  -2716 Last transit samp:  -2719 d:    3 Curr jitter:       0(  0.000) Prev Jitter:       3(  0.000) New Jitter:       3(  0.000)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048811, ts 003680, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025114, ts 003840, len 000160)
Продолжение следует...
Петров Р
Сообщения: 12
Зарегистрирован: 07 фев 2025, 20:31

Re: PJSIP, избитый NAT и MCN

Сообщение Петров Р »

Я в процессе изучения этого лога, возможно нашёл причину, было бы хорошо, если это оказалось правдой, но в любом случае не понимаю почему так.
Моя ТА 101 в итоге закрепилась, как:

Код: Выделить всё

[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] VERBOSE[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x1cbc3c094000 -- Strict RTP learning after remote address set to:
И в дальнейшем

Код: Выделить всё

[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048792, ts 000640, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:17.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
Т.е. моя ТА устанавливается в серый адрес, недостижимый для тех, кто за НАТ'ом? Правильно? Но все настройки же в pjsip_wizard.conf и pjsip.conf касательно того локальный клиент или нет - выставлены. Подскажи пожалуйста, в чём ошибка?

конец debug.log

Код: Выделить всё

[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: pkt:    22 Arrival sec:   0.140  Arrival ts:       1120  RX ts:       3840 Transit samp:  -2720 Last transit samp:  -2716 d:    4 Curr jitter:       0(  0.000) Prev Jitter:       3(  0.000) New Jitter:       3(  0.000)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048812, ts 003840, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025115, ts 004000, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: pkt:    23 Arrival sec:   0.160  Arrival ts:       1277  RX ts:       4000 Transit samp:  -2723 Last transit samp:  -2720 d:    3 Curr jitter:      -0(  0.000) Prev Jitter:       3(  0.000) New Jitter:       3(  0.000)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048813, ts 004000, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025116, ts 004160, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: pkt:    24 Arrival sec:   0.180  Arrival ts:       1443  RX ts:       4160 Transit samp:  -2717 Last transit samp:  -2723 d:    6 Curr jitter:       0(  0.000) Prev Jitter:       3(  0.000) New Jitter:       3(  0.000)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048814, ts 004160, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025117, ts 004320, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: pkt:    25 Arrival sec:   0.200  Arrival ts:       1600  RX ts:       4320 Transit samp:  -2720 Last transit samp:  -2717 d:    3 Curr jitter:      -0(  0.000) Prev Jitter:       3(  0.000) New Jitter:       3(  0.000)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048815, ts 004320, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip/pjsip_message_filter.c: Re-wrote Contact URI host/port to (this may be re-written again later)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109182] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109182] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025118, ts 004480, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: pkt:    26 Arrival sec:   0.220  Arrival ts:       1760  RX ts:       4480 Transit samp:  -2720 Last transit samp:  -2720 d:    0 Curr jitter:      -0(  0.000) Prev Jitter:       3(  0.000) New Jitter:       3(  0.000)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048816, ts 004480, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025119, ts 004640, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: pkt:    27 Arrival sec:   0.240  Arrival ts:       1919  RX ts:       4640 Transit samp:  -2721 Last transit samp:  -2720 d:    1 Curr jitter:      -0(  0.000) Prev Jitter:       3(  0.000) New Jitter:       3(  0.000)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048817, ts 004640, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025120, ts 004800, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: pkt:    28 Arrival sec:   0.261  Arrival ts:       2085  RX ts:       4800 Transit samp:  -2715 Last transit samp:  -2721 d:    6 Curr jitter:       0(  0.000) Prev Jitter:       3(  0.000) New Jitter:       3(  0.000)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048818, ts 004800, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025121, ts 004960, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: pkt:    29 Arrival sec:   0.280  Arrival ts:       2240  RX ts:       4960 Transit samp:  -2720 Last transit samp:  -2715 d:    5 Curr jitter:       0(  0.000) Prev Jitter:       3(  0.000) New Jitter:       3(  0.000)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048819, ts 004960, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025122, ts 005120, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: pkt:    30 Arrival sec:   0.300  Arrival ts:       2402  RX ts:       5120 Transit samp:  -2718 Last transit samp:  -2720 d:    2 Curr jitter:      -0(  0.000) Prev Jitter:       3(  0.000) New Jitter:       3(  0.000)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048820, ts 005120, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025123, ts 005280, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: pkt:    31 Arrival sec:   0.320  Arrival ts:       2560  RX ts:       5280 Transit samp:  -2720 Last transit samp:  -2718 d:    2 Curr jitter:      -0(  0.000) Prev Jitter:       3(  0.000) New Jitter:       3(  0.000)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048821, ts 005280, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025124, ts 005440, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: pkt:    32 Arrival sec:   0.340  Arrival ts:       2717  RX ts:       5440 Transit samp:  -2723 Last transit samp:  -2720 d:    3 Curr jitter:      -0(  0.000) Prev Jitter:       3(  0.000) New Jitter:       3(  0.000)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048822, ts 005440, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d020) RTP 0x1cbc3c094000 -- Received packet from, dropping due to strict RTP protection. Qualifying new stream.
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x1cbc3c094000 -- Strict RTP qualifying stream type: audio
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d020) RTP 0x1cbc3c094000 -- Received packet from, dropping due to strict RTP protection. Will switch to it in 3 packets.
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025125, ts 005600, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: pkt:    33 Arrival sec:   0.359  Arrival ts:       2873  RX ts:       5600 Transit samp:  -2727 Last transit samp:  -2723 d:    4 Curr jitter:       0(  0.000) Prev Jitter:       3(  0.000) New Jitter:       3(  0.000)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048823, ts 005600, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d020) RTP 0x1cbc3c094000 -- Received packet from, dropping due to strict RTP protection. Will switch to it in 2 packets.
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d020) RTP 0x1cbc3c094000 -- Received packet from, dropping due to strict RTP protection. Will switch to it in 1 packets.
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d020) RTP 0x1cbc3c094000 -- Received packet from, dropping due to strict RTP protection. Will switch to it in 3 packets.
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025126, ts 005760, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: pkt:    34 Arrival sec:   0.380  Arrival ts:       3037  RX ts:       5760 Transit samp:  -2723 Last transit samp:  -2727 d:    4 Curr jitter:       0(  0.000) Prev Jitter:       3(  0.000) New Jitter:       3(  0.000)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048824, ts 005760, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Searching for serializer associated with dialog dlg0x1cbc3b8640a8 for Request msg ACK/cseq=21 (rdata0x1cbc3b032728)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/distributor-00000022 associated with dialog dlg0x1cbc3b8640a8
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006 TSX State: Terminated  Inv State: CONNECTING
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_transaction *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '101(PJSIP/101-00000006)'
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAS INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x1cbc3b83f0a8
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Terminated
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is USER
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONNECTING
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Nothing delayed
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006 TSX State: Terminated  Inv State: CONNECTING
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Topology: Pending: (null topology)  Active:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)>
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006 Event: RX_MSG  Inv State: CONFIRMED
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_event *) called on event RX_MSG
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '101(PJSIP/101-00000006)'
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: There is no transaction involved in this state change
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONFIRMED
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: PJSIP/101-00000006: Received request
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006: Method is ACK
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006: Queueing SRCCHANGE
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006 Request: ACK 
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006 Handled request ACK  ? yes
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Indicated Media SSRC change
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025127, ts 005920, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: pkt:    35 Arrival sec:   0.400  Arrival ts:       3197  RX ts:       5920 Transit samp:  -2723 Last transit samp:  -2723 d:    0 Curr jitter:      -0(  0.000) Prev Jitter:       3(  0.000) New Jitter:       3(  0.000)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048825, ts 005920, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Searching for serializer associated with dialog dlg0x1cbc3b8640a8 for Request msg ACK/cseq=21 (rdata0x1cbc3b032f68)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/distributor-00000022 associated with dialog dlg0x1cbc3b8640a8
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d020) RTP 0x1cbc3c094000 -- Received packet from, dropping due to strict RTP protection. Will switch to it in 2 packets.
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d020) RTP 0x1cbc3c094000 -- Received packet from, dropping due to strict RTP protection. Will switch to it in 1 packets.
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025128, ts 006080, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: pkt:    36 Arrival sec:   0.420  Arrival ts:       3359  RX ts:       6080 Transit samp:  -2721 Last transit samp:  -2723 d:    2 Curr jitter:      -0(  0.000) Prev Jitter:       3(  0.000) New Jitter:       3(  0.000)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048826, ts 006080, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025129, ts 006240, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: pkt:    37 Arrival sec:   0.440  Arrival ts:       3517  RX ts:       6240 Transit samp:  -2723 Last transit samp:  -2721 d:    2 Curr jitter:      -0(  0.000) Prev Jitter:       3(  0.000) New Jitter:       3(  0.000)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048827, ts 006240, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x1cbc3b827040
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x1cbc3c094000 -- Strict RTP switching source address to
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 000007, ts 1967429647, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.6: Seed ts: 1967429647 current time: 1739106618.522496
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them.
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (1739106615.7) RTP ooh, format changed from none to alaw
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 041596, ts 1967429640, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025130, ts 006400, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: pkt:    38 Arrival sec:   0.460  Arrival ts:       3677  RX ts:       6400 Transit samp:  -2723 Last transit samp:  -2723 d:    0 Curr jitter:      -0(  0.000) Prev Jitter:       3(  0.000) New Jitter:       3(  0.000)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048828, ts 006400, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025131, ts 006560, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: pkt:    39 Arrival sec:   0.480  Arrival ts:       3843  RX ts:       6560 Transit samp:  -2717 Last transit samp:  -2723 d:    6 Curr jitter:       0(  0.000) Prev Jitter:       3(  0.000) New Jitter:       3(  0.000)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048829, ts 006560, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them.
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 000008, ts 1967429807, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.6: Packet 2 < 15.  Ignoring
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 and write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 both fail to provide 160 samples
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 041597, ts 1967429800, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 000009, ts 1967429967, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.6: Packet 3 < 15.  Ignoring
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them.
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 041598, ts 1967429960, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:18.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 000010, ts 1967430127, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048903, ts 018400, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x1cbc3b827040 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them.
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 000082, ts 1967441647, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.6: pkt:    76 Arrival sec:   1.241  Arrival ts:       9924  RX ts: 1967441647 Transit samp: -1967431723 Last transit samp: -1967431887 d:  164 Curr jitter:       1(  0.000) Prev Jitter:     153(  0.019) New Jitter:     154(  0.019)
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 000083, ts 1967441807, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.6: pkt:    77 Arrival sec:   1.241  Arrival ts:       9924  RX ts: 1967441807 Transit samp: -1967431883 Last transit samp: -1967431723 d:  160 Curr jitter:       0(  0.000) Prev Jitter:     154(  0.019) New Jitter:     154(  0.019)
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them.
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 041671, ts 1967441640, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 041672, ts 1967441800, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 000084, ts 1967441967, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.6: pkt:    78 Arrival sec:   1.241  Arrival ts:       9926  RX ts: 1967441967 Transit samp: -1967432041 Last transit samp: -1967431883 d:  158 Curr jitter:       0(  0.000) Prev Jitter:     154(  0.019) New Jitter:     154(  0.019)
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them.
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 041673, ts 1967441960, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 025206, ts 018560, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 1739106615.7: pkt:   114 Arrival sec:   1.980  Arrival ts:      15839  RX ts:      18560 Transit samp:  -2721 Last transit samp:  -2728 d:    7 Curr jitter:       0(  0.000) Prev Jitter:       4(  0.000) New Jitter:       4(  0.001)
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 048904, ts 018560, len 000160)
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x1cbc3b827a80 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them.
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Searching for serializer associated with dialog dlg0x1cbc3b8640a8 for Request msg BYE/cseq=22 (rdata0x1cbc3b0320a8)
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/distributor-00000022 associated with dialog dlg0x1cbc3b8640a8
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006 TSX State: Trying  Inv State: CONFIRMED
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_transaction *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '101(PJSIP/101-00000006)'
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAS BYE transaction involved in this state change is 0x1cbc3b83f0a8
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Trying
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is RX_MSG
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONFIRMED
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Nothing delayed
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006: Method is BYE, Response is 200 OK
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006 TSX State: Completed  Inv State: CONFIRMED
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_transaction *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '101(PJSIP/101-00000006)'
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAS BYE transaction involved in this state change is 0x1cbc3b83f0a8
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Completed
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TX_MSG
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONFIRMED
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Nothing delayed
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006 TSX State: Completed  Inv State: CONFIRMED
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Topology: Pending: (null topology)  Active:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)>
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006 Event: TSX_STATE  Inv State: DISCONNECTED
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '101(PJSIP/101-00000006)'
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: There is no transaction involved in this state change
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is DISCONNECTED
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: PJSIP/101-00000006: Source of transaction state change is RX_MSG
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: PJSIP/101-00000006: Received request
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006: Method is BYE
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006 TSX State: Completed  Inv State: DISCONNECTED
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Topology: Pending: (null topology)  Active:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)>
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] bridge_channel.c: Setting 0x1cbc3b81e4a0(PJSIP/101-00000006) state from:0 to:1
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] bridge_channel.c: Bridge d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149: pulling 0x1cbc3b81e4a0(PJSIP/101-00000006)
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] bridge_channel.c: Channel PJSIP/101-00000006 left 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149>
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] bridge_channel.c: Bridge d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149: 0x1cbc3b81e4a0(PJSIP/101-00000006) is leaving simple_bridge technology
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] bridge.c: Bridge d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149: dissolving bridge with cause 16(Normal Clearing)
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] bridge_channel.c: Setting 0x1cbc3b81e320(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007) state from:0 to:2
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] bridge.c: Bridge d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149: queueing action type:13 sub:1001
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] stasis_bridges.c: Update: 0x1cbc3b813da8  Old: d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149  New: d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] stasis_bridges.c: Update: 0x1cbc3b813da8  Old: d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149  New: d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] bridge.c: Bridge d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149 is dissolved, not performing smart bridge operation.
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=ANSWER.
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] app_dial.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006: Done
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] pbx.c: Spawn extension (mcn-out,89991234567,3) exited non-zero on 'PJSIP/101-00000006'
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] VERBOSE[109282][C-00000004] pbx.c: Spawn extension (mcn-out, 89991234567, 3) exited non-zero on 'PJSIP/101-00000006'
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] channel.c: Soft-Hanging (0x10) up channel 'PJSIP/101-00000006'
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] channel.c: Channel 0x1cbc3c0b2020 'PJSIP/101-00000006' hanging up.  Refs: 3
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c: AST hangup cause 16 (no match found in PJSIP)
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109282][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  Cause: 0
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] bridge_channel.c: Bridge d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149: pulling 0x1cbc3b81e320(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007)
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] VERBOSE[109286][C-00000004] bridge_channel.c: Channel PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 left 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149>
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] bridge_channel.c: Bridge d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149: 0x1cbc3b81e320(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007) is leaving simple_bridge technology
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] stasis_bridges.c: Update: 0x1cbc3ed39b88  Old: d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149  New: d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] stasis_bridges.c: Update: 0x1cbc3ed39b88  Old: d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149  New: d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] bridge.c: Bridge d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149 is dissolved, not performing smart bridge operation.
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Indicated Media SSRC change
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] channel.c: Channel 0x1cbc3b868020 'PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007' hanging up.  Refs: 2
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c: AST hangup cause 16 (no match found in PJSIP)
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109286][C-00000004] chan_pjsip.c:  Cause: 0
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/101-00000006 Response 0
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d020) DTLS srtp - stopped timeout timer'
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d020) DTLS srtp - stopped timeout timer'
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (1739106615.6) RTP Stop
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d020) DTLS stop
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d020) DTLS srtp - stopped timeout timer'
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d020) DTLS srtp - stopped timeout timer'
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d020) ICE RTP transport deallocating
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Destroyed RTP instance '0x1cbc3c08d020'
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] stream.c:  Topology: 0x1cbc3c03e758:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)>
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] stream.c:  Destroyed: 0x1cbc3c03e758
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] autochan.c: Removed autochan 0x1cbc3b811210 from the list, about to free it
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] channel.c: Channel 0x1cbc3c0b2020 'PJSIP/101-00000006' destroying
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 Response 0
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] stasis.c: Destroying topic. name: channel:1739106615.6, detail: 
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] stasis.c: Topic 'channel:1739106615.6': 0x1cbc3c173090 destroyed
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d3a0) DTLS srtp - stopped timeout timer'
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d3a0) DTLS srtp - stopped timeout timer'
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (1739106615.7) RTP Stop
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] stream.c:  Topology: 0x1cbc3b8406d8:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|ulaw)>
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] stream.c:  Destroyed: 0x1cbc3b8406d8
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d3a0) DTLS stop
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d3a0) DTLS srtp - stopped timeout timer'
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d3a0) DTLS srtp - stopped timeout timer'
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] channel_internal_api.c:  <initializing>: MultistreamFormats: (nothing)
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] channel_internal_api.c:  Channel is being initialized or destroyed
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_rtp_asterisk.c: (0x1cbc3c08d3a0) ICE RTP transport deallocating
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] rtp_engine.c: Destroyed RTP instance '0x1cbc3c08d3a0'
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] stream.c:  Topology: 0x1cbc3c03ea18:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|g729)>
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] stream.c:  Destroyed: 0x1cbc3c03ea18
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007: Method is BYE
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] VERBOSE[109284][C-00000004] app_mixmonitor.c: MixMonitor close filestream (mixed)
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] VERBOSE[109284][C-00000004] app_mixmonitor.c: End MixMonitor Recording PJSIP/101-00000006
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109284][C-00000004] app_mixmonitor.c: No recipients to forward monitor to, moving on.
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: Performing SIP DNS resolution of target ''
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: Transport type for target '' is 'UDP transport'
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip/pjsip_resolver.c: Target '' is an IP address, skipping resolution
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 TSX State: Calling  Inv State: CONFIRMED
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_transaction *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'MCN_81111111111_endpoint(PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007)'
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC BYE transaction involved in this state change is 0x1cbc3b4090a8
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Calling
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TX_MSG
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is CONFIRMED
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Nothing delayed
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007 TSX State: Calling  Inv State: CONFIRMED
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Topology: Pending: (null topology)  Active: (null topology)
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] channel.c: Channel 0x1cbc3b868020 'PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-00000007' destroying
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] stasis.c: Destroying topic. name: channel:1739106615.7, detail: 
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] stasis.c: Topic 'channel:1739106615.7': 0x1cbc3b851410 destroyed
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] stream.c:  Topology: 0x1cbc3c03ea58:  <0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv (alaw|g729)>
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] stream.c:  Destroyed: 0x1cbc3c03ea58
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] channel_internal_api.c:  <initializing>: MultistreamFormats: (nothing)
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] channel_internal_api.c:  Channel is being initialized or destroyed
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109168][C-00000004] bridge.c: Bridge d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149: actually destroying basic bridge, nobody wants it anymore
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109168][C-00000004] stasis_bridges.c: Update: 0x1cbc3b8113a8  Old: d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149  New: <none>
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109168][C-00000004] stasis_bridges.c: Update: 0x1cbc3b8113a8  Old: d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149  New: <none>
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109168][C-00000004] stasis.c: Destroying topic. name: bridge:all/bridge:d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149, detail: 
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109168][C-00000004] stasis.c: Topic 'bridge:all/bridge:d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149': 0x1cbc3b851aa0 destroyed
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109168][C-00000004] bridge.c: Bridge d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149: calling basic bridge destructor
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109168][C-00000004] bridge.c: Bridge d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149: calling simple_bridge technology stop
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109168][C-00000004] bridge.c: Bridge d11454cf-5cd8-40a9-a4f6-c5a1c9a01149: calling simple_bridge technology destructor
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109169] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for PJSIP - 101
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109169] devicestate.c: Changing state for PJSIP/101 - state 1 (Not in use)
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109169] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for PJSIP - MCN_81111111111_endpoint
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109169] devicestate.c: Changing state for PJSIP/MCN_81111111111_endpoint - state 1 (Not in use)
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Searching for serializer associated with dialog dlg0x1cbc3b4100a8 for Response msg 200/BYE/cseq=26023 (rdata0x1cbc3b032da8)
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c: Found serializer pjsip/outsess/MCN_81111111111_endpoint-0000005a associated with dialog dlg0x1cbc3b4100a8
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  MCN_81111111111_endpoint Method: BYE Status: 200
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  MCN_81111111111_endpoint Event: TSX_STATE  Inv State: DISCONNECTED
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'MCN_81111111111_endpoint()'
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: There is no transaction involved in this state change
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is DISCONNECTED
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: MCN_81111111111_endpoint: Source of transaction state change is RX_MSG
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: MCN_81111111111_endpoint: Received response
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  MCN_81111111111_endpoint: Response is 200 OK
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  MCN_81111111111_endpoint
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  MCN_81111111111_endpoint TSX State: Completed  Inv State: DISCONNECTED
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_transaction *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'MCN_81111111111_endpoint()'
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC BYE transaction involved in this state change is 0x1cbc3b4090a8
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Completed
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is RX_MSG
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is DISCONNECTED
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  MCN_81111111111_endpoint: Response is 200 OK
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  MCN_81111111111_endpoint
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: MCN_81111111111_endpoint: BYE received final response code 200
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Nothing delayed
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  MCN_81111111111_endpoint TSX State: Completed  Inv State: DISCONNECTED
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  Topology: Pending: (null topology)  Active: (null topology)
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  MCN_81111111111_endpoint
[2025-02-09 16:10:20.8q] DEBUG[109277] chan_pjsip.c:  No channel
[2025-02-09 16:10:25.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c:  MCN_81111111111_endpoint TSX State: Terminated  Inv State: DISCONNECTED
[2025-02-09 16:10:25.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_transaction *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-09 16:10:25.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint 'MCN_81111111111_endpoint()'
[2025-02-09 16:10:25.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx
[2025-02-09 16:10:25.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC BYE transaction involved in this state change is 0x1cbc3b4090a8
[2025-02-09 16:10:25.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Terminated
[2025-02-09 16:10:25.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TIMER
[2025-02-09 16:10:25.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is DISCONNECTED
[2025-02-09 16:10:25.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c:  Disconnected
[2025-02-09 16:10:25.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c:  (null session) TSX State: Terminated  Inv State: DISCONNECTED
[2025-02-09 16:10:25.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:25.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: MCN_81111111111_endpoint: Destroying SIP session
[2025-02-09 16:10:28.8q] VERBOSE[109222] asterisk.c: Remote UNIX connection disconnected
[2025-02-09 16:10:35.8q] DEBUG[109194] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Woke up at 1739106635  Interval: 30
[2025-02-09 16:10:35.8q] DEBUG[109194] res_pjsip_registrar.c: Expiring 0 contacts
[2025-02-09 16:10:40.8q] DEBUG[109283] threadpool.c: Worker thread idle timeout reached. Dying.
[2025-02-09 16:10:40.8q] DEBUG[109157] threadpool.c: Destroying worker thread 62
[2025-02-09 16:10:40.8q] DEBUG[109285] threadpool.c: Worker thread idle timeout reached. Dying.
[2025-02-09 16:10:40.8q] DEBUG[109157] threadpool.c: Destroying worker thread 63
[2025-02-09 16:10:48.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c:  (null session) TSX State: Terminated  Inv State: DISCONNECTED
[2025-02-09 16:10:48.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_transaction *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-09 16:10:48.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c: inv_session 0x1cbc3b83b500 has no ast session
[2025-02-09 16:10:48.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx
[2025-02-09 16:10:48.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAC INVITE transaction involved in this state change is 0x1cbc3b4670a8
[2025-02-09 16:10:48.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Terminated
[2025-02-09 16:10:48.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TIMER
[2025-02-09 16:10:48.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is DISCONNECTED
[2025-02-09 16:10:48.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c:  Session ended
[2025-02-09 16:10:48.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c:  (null session) TSX State: Terminated  Inv State: DISCONNECTED
[2025-02-09 16:10:48.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:52.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c:  101 TSX State: Terminated  Inv State: DISCONNECTED
[2025-02-09 16:10:52.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c: Function void session_inv_on_tsx_state_changed(pjsip_inv_session *, pjsip_transaction *, pjsip_event *) called on event TSX_STATE
[2025-02-09 16:10:52.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c: The state change pertains to the endpoint '101()'
[2025-02-09 16:10:52.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c: The inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx
[2025-02-09 16:10:52.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c: The UAS BYE transaction involved in this state change is 0x1cbc3b83f0a8
[2025-02-09 16:10:52.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c: The current transaction state is Terminated
[2025-02-09 16:10:52.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c: The transaction state change event is TIMER
[2025-02-09 16:10:52.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c: The current inv state is DISCONNECTED
[2025-02-09 16:10:52.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c:  Disconnected
[2025-02-09 16:10:52.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c:  (null session) TSX State: Terminated  Inv State: DISCONNECTED
[2025-02-09 16:10:52.8q] DEBUG[109182] res_pjsip_session.c:  
[2025-02-09 16:10:52.8q] DEBUG[109277] res_pjsip_session.c: 101: Destroying SIP session
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Сообщения: 2221
Зарегистрирован: 27 янв 2011, 00:35
Контактная информация:

Re: PJSIP, избитый NAT и MCN

Сообщение Zavr2008 »

извне порт =>(DST-NAT)
А RTP не нужно пробросить? 10000:20000
Российские E1 шлюзы Alvis. Модернизация УПАТС с E1,Подключение к ИС "Антифрод" E1 PRI/SS#7, настройка Asterisk/FreePBX, подключение CRM
Петров Р
Сообщения: 12
Зарегистрирован: 07 фев 2025, 20:31

Re: PJSIP, избитый NAT и MCN

Сообщение Петров Р »

Zavr2008, добрый день!

Я там может забыл указать - проброшен у меня на микроте за которым астериск пул портов под rtp

Код: Выделить всё =>
И вот rtp.conf

Код: Выделить всё


[ice_host_candidates] =>,include_local_address
Петров Р
Сообщения: 12
Зарегистрирован: 07 фев 2025, 20:31

Re: PJSIP, избитый NAT и MCN

Сообщение Петров Р »

Товарищи Спецы, подскажите плиз, куда бы копнуть-то? Вроде все рекоммендации по NAT'у выполнил, уже проверил конфиги, логи высмотрел. Чего-то не вижу. Пожскажите пожалуйста!
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